Chapter 15

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(Wally's Profile)

 My head ached after hitting the tile floor. Sure, I was already on the ground, but no skull should have to go through something like that. I vaguely remember hearing Dick call my name over and over, but I was already far too unconscious to wake. I went into a land full of nightmares. Everything was absolutely terrible. Every single fear of mine came and hit me in the face like a train. My father, bad grades, you name it, it's there. Anxiety hit me and it hit me hard. All of a sudden I couldn't breath. There was a dark ball of fear in my stomach and it hit my innards like ice. It was a very unpleasant ordeal. I started reciting the formula of pi in my head to call me down, but it wasn't working. I thought of Dick being happy and that didn't even work. All in all, I was screwed.

 I saw my father come at me with a bat and hit me in the face. He took the time of my fall to kick me in my stomach and I heard a sickening crack. This isn't real, you're dreaming. It's a nightmare. Come on Wall-man, wake up! He punched me in the face and kicked my stomach again. Rudy jumped on my ankle and you could hear it break. "You're a failure. Always have been and always will be. You're a freak of nature, Wallace. Your mother and I both wish you were never born. After all you were just a mistake. A mistake of a broken condom." He snarled and kicked me so hard he knocked me out. But, instead of knocking me out, it woke me up.

 I was in some sort of lab thing. A typical white bed with white sheets and an IV in my arm. Oh no. What did I do now? I thought, scared for when my father was going to come. But I wasn't in a hospital, or my own bed. I was in a cave and not the Cave at Young Justice. A bat cave. Oh... That makes more sense. No one was in there at the moment besides myself. I tried to sit up but my whole body ached. Damn it. I should have grabbed some food before I left for my speed healing. Oh wait-I couldn't even if I wanted to. Rud-Dad has it locked up. I thought bitterly.

 "Hey Wall-man, I brought you food if you can stomach it!" Dick told me as he walked down the dark stairs of the Cave. "I can try, but no promises." My lips quirked up into a small smile as I saw him holding a bowl of soup. He knows just how to make me forget all my worries. I really do love him. I looked him in his gorgeous blue eyes and smiled. He smiled back at me, but there was something in his eyes. Something I couldn't quite place. "Thank you, Dick. For everything. For not pushing me to tell you and thank you for waiting. I-" I put the bowl down and smiled as he sat by me. I intertwined our fingers and took a deep breath. Man up Wallace. The voice of my father said. "I-" Just as I was about to say it, I was interrupted. Of course I was.

 "Dick, we have to go." Batman told him. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked. Dick winced and smiled sheepishly. "Not sure, somewhere. Bats won't tell me." For being a Robin, I would have thought he would be so much better at lying than he really is. I raised an eyebrow and he wouldn't meet my eyes. "Dick, where are you going?" I pried. "Nowhere!" I rolled my eyes. "Fine, don't tell me." I snapped. "I'm sorry." Rob still wouldn't meet my eyes. "Hey, it's okay. Just be careful, okay?" I told him as I lifted his chin to make him look at me. "I promise I will." He smiled softly. I smiled back. "Good, the world and I can't lose our Boy Wonder." He chuckled. "I know." I kissed his forehead. "Good. Now run along Dark Prince of Gotham." I teased and Dick kissed me softly on my lips before departing, then disappeared into the shadows.


  I let my mask drop immediately. I am so stupid. He probably knows about everything and thinks less of me. He'll think of me as weak... And I am... I could have cried. I looked at the ground as despair took over my whole body like a wave. I am such an idiot. I really should just pack my stuff and leave. I'd never come back and maybe it would make everyone's life better. I can't-

 I heard the small footsteps of a tiny body head towards me and thin arms wrap around my torso. "I'm so sorry Wally. You know I think you're amazing, right? Even if you don't, you are. Okay? I also wanted to tell you that-" I pulled away to look at Dick in the eyes. He is so perfect and so amazing and wonderful, how is it possible I was gifted with my Boy Wonderful. I love him so damn much.

 "-I love you, Richard." I blurted out, interrupting him. His eyes widened and then went back to normal. Dick had a huge smile on his face that made a zoo go off in my stomach. "Wallace, I love you so much I don't think you will ever know." I grinned. "You're my world and I will stay forever at your side." I told him, not being able to contain my smile. Someone cleared their throat and I saw the Batman, who happened to be looking more like Daddy Bats at this moment. I audibly gulped.

 "H-Hi..." I whispered. Dick looked at me in his Robin suit and laughed. "I love you, I'll be back soon." He told me before he put a chaste kiss upon my lips. "I love you too, be careful. Okay?" He nodded and ran off. Even after he disappeared from my eyesight, I couldn't stop smiling. I felt well enough that I took my IV out and hopped off the bed. I went upstairs to Dick's room and sat on the bed. That's it. Nothing can ruin this mood. Well, that's what I thought until my phone went off and I saw my Dad's caller I.D. pop up. "Well shit." I muttered.

 I found my pants and took my phone out of my pocket. I answered and whispered a weak hello. "Where the hell are you boy?!" My dad all but slurred into the phone. Great, he's been drinking. No surprise there. "I- I'm on my way home, sir." I whimpered. "You better! Your stupid mother is out and I have no one here to make lunch for me! Get your ass here, now!" He yelled. "Y-Yes sir." I whispered. "Oh, and stop stuttering. It shows just how weak you are." He spat. So now he's going to abuse me outside of my house as well. Joy. "Yes, sir. I'll stop it right away. Sorry." "Good. Now here up, faggot." He hung up and I let out a broken sounding sigh. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I shoved them down. Better leave a note for Dick, I thought. I found a spare paper and pen.


Rudy-I mean Dad has called me home. I'm sorry I had to go on such short notice, but he's already in a bad mood and I don't want to upset him more by being late. I hope you're having fun on your mission with Daddy Bats and kicking some well deserved ass. Be safe, I love you. I'll text or call you as soon as possible.



 I smiled and zoomed out of the house, feeling a little better as I got food from the IV and my speed healing is kicking in. I got to my door and opened it. "Dad?" I called out, panic starting up in my stomach again.

 "You're home. Finally." My dad slurred. I gulped.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait lovelies. Lots of stuff to deal with and I'm sorry it's short. I will keep updating hopefully more because it's officially SUMMER!

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