1: Amara

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"Are you sure this guy" The cop pointed to the dead man with a bullet in his head, "puked blood and came back and bit this guy?" He turned to the man in cuffs with a bloody shoulder who looked like he was about to barf himself.

"Yes! Look I know it sounds insane I-I don't even know how I believe it myself but he did I swear!" I wrapped the blanket around me tighter. I was starting to feel like I was in the end of one of those horror movies, where the main character who barely escaped the killer is sitting in the ambulance with a blanket around them as they hope the dead killer is really dead-dead. 

"Ok. I believe you. I just need to make sure I get the information right for the report. And you were taking out the trash when they entered the store?" I think I know this cop, he looks like the cop who arrested my grandpa for domestic abuse. The third time.

"Yes. I just wanted to get out of here quicker." I rubbed my temples in frustration.

"Amara? Amara Stewart? " A tall figure approached me wearing a trainee vest. Oh great. The redhead finally came into view. His freckled skin was damp from sweat.

"Hey, Paxton." Paxton Scott, my best friend's brother, who can't keep a secret to himself. I'll never live this down.

"Are you okay?" He was looking over my crouched figure.

"I would be, if someone would believe me." I glared at the bigger cop in front of me.

He glared back and walked away writing on his notepad. Probably writing 'crazy lady' in all caps.

"Do you need to call anyone?" Paxton sat next to me.

"Everyone is asleep. It's almost midnight." I rolled my head towards him.

"What about your boyfriend?" Hmm I didn't think about that. It didn't seem like the greatest idea since he works at 6 a.m. but he'd be really upset if I didn't at least try.

"Yeah, actually, I am going to call him. Where did I put my phone?" I started searching the area around me and my pockets.

Paxton smirked and lifted up my phone from his pocket. "I snatched it for you since I didn't think they needed it anymore."

I smiled back and lifted myself off the ambulance. I walked towards the road away from the police chatter. I looked up his name smiling at his contact picture.

"Hello?" He picked up after a few rings but hearing his sleepy voice made me feel even worse.

"Hey, I'm sorry I know you work tomorrow but something happened at work. You're the one person I knew would wake up and answer."

"What happened?" I heard him moving around in his bed.

"I was taking out the trash and came back to these men digging through the registers. They were trying to steal everything; money, liquor, cigarettes. I called the cops but one of the guys must've been sick or something because he started throwing up blood. Real bad too. It looked like he died but he..." I realized I was rambling and what if he didn't believe me like that cop? No I couldn't think like that, he'd believe me.

"He what, Amara?" A door clicked in the background.

"He came back and started attacking the other guy. He bit him. And I mean like full on took a chunk out of him. It was terrifying." I started shaking towards the end of the sentence. Damn nerves.

"I'll be there soon." His car revved to life behind him.

"No. It's okay. You don't need to do that, you work in the morning and it's already really late." I should've known.

"You're way more important. You know that. Plus I know you're shaking right now. I can't imagine how scared you are. Its fine I'll text my boss and let him know an emergency came up." I could hear him driving down the road, probably pretty fast.

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