4: Kaylee

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"I'll stay home with Leon while you guys are gone." I volunteered.

"Do you want one of us to stay with you?" Amara asked with that painfully familiar 'mom' look. She's always worried enough for all of us.

"I'll be fine and it's not going to be that long until you guys come back." I shrugged trying to reassure her.

"But then you will be here by yourself with just Leon." Holden pointed out with worry on his features. So they're only worried about me. Great.

I kept reassuring them that I would be fine until they finally relented and got into the car and took off. Maybe an hour after they were gone Tony came back from work. His jet black hair was drenched in sweat. I haven't told him yet but he has a few gray hairs on the back of his head.

"Hey, where is everyone?" He asked while putting his things on the table behind the couch.

"Amara and Damien went to get supplies, pick up Wen and drop Holden off at his house." I looked up from my phone.

"And your mom?" He raised an eyebrow.

"We thought she was in your room trying to get a hold of you. She hasn't come out." I shrugged.

"Oh, I'm going to go check on her and get changed." Tony nodded as he walked around the chair, smiling at Leon.

I watched him disappear down the hallway.

A few minutes later I heard the garage open, car doors slam close, then I heard the garage closing. I walked back to my parent's room to let them know that Amara and Wen are back.

I opened their door, they were talking to each other from opposite sides of the bed. My mom was sweating as she leaned against the wall. I opened my mouth to say something when suddenly she puked up blood before falling to the floor. I stood there frozen but Tony was quick to rush to her side. Before I could call his name, she sat up and tackled him to the ground. He somehow maneuvered out of her grip. I could hear the snapping of her mouth as she followed while he backed away. She lunged at again causing them to both hit the ground.

"Kaylee, run!" He looked back at me. He was absolutely petrified and it showed. She was still snapping at him.

This caused her to be able to climb on top of him. He tried pushing her back, I knew what was coming. I couldn't stand hearing that sound again. The sound of teeth connecting with skin was already burned into memory from school.

I screamed as I ran to the living room. I picked up Leon and ran to my room, locking it. I heard another scream come from their room. I slid down the door, starting to hyperventilate once the reality hit me. Leon's cries urged me to keep myself calm. I tried soothing him but I couldn't stay calm and started crying too.

His attention was quickly taken by the stuffed animals I had laying on my floor. He climbed out of my arms and wiped the tears from his face as he started playing. I just pulled my knees to my chest and cried.

The sounds of commotion outside my door pulled me back. I couldn't open the door. I had to protect Leon. I sadly smiled as I watched him stack the Panda's on top of each other. I heard Amara's voice say something before I heard a door slam. The sounds of fists slamming against the wooden door filled the air. A few minutes later I felt my phone buzzing, I looked down and saw that my brother, Wen, was calling. I pressed answer and put the phone to my ear.

"H-Hello? Wen?" I asked shakily.

"It's Amara." Amara was just as shaky as me.

"Amara, I'm scared!" I replied through a new wave of tears.

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