3: Amara

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Damien helped us unload the supplies into the garage and took off towards his own house. I closed the door as we started organizing everything. We were loading everything into the trunk of my car when we heard the screams. We both froze. Wen looked at me visibly shaking. I was about to tell him to stay put when we heard another scream.

I dropped everything in my hands and sprinted inside. The kitchen and living room were empty. Another scream, I ran down the hallway and tried to open my sister's door but it was locked. I slowly walked towards the end of the hall, my parent's room.

The door was open and I found my mom on top of Tony on the floor. For a second, I thought maybe she was trying to start something I never wanted to see. That's when I saw the blood. It was everywhere, all over her, all over him and the floor. It took me a second to realize she wasn't kissing his neck but instead she was biting him, ripping the skin from his bones. I examined further to find a bite mark on his shoulder, arm and even his left leg. He turned his head to look at me, I could tell he put somewhat of a fight before being bit. He slowly closed his eyes and I knew he was gone.

She hadn't noticed me and she probably never would have if it wasn't for Wen.

"Mom?!" He was behind me staring at the scene in front of us.

My mom looked up from her bloody meal of a husband. There was nothing behind her eyes. No soul. No love. Nothing. She slowly stood up, stumbling over Tony as she reached out for us. Wen took off down the hall before I realized what was happening. I was still staring at my stepdad as she approached me, clawing at my face. I dodged her hand quickly but was too late to close the door on her. I took off down the hallway after Wen with her hot on my trail.

"Wen! Where are you?!" I was about to pass the bathroom as the door swung open revealing my little brother. I dove into the room quickly shutting the door and locking it in one motion.

My mom pounded on the door, growling at us. Wen busted into tears sitting on the toilet. I tried to catch my breath as I sat in front of him. I pulled in for a hug, trying to soothe him in any way. Well shit, now we're both trapped in the bathroom with no weapons and no way to get out. I reached for my phone in my pocket but came up empty. Fuck! I left it in the garage. Still shaking, Wen handed me his phone.  I opened it and called my sister immediately. She picked up on the first ring.

"H-Hello? Wen?" Her voice was shaky and I could tell she was crying.

"It's Amara." I tried to calmly speak to her but to no avail my voice was just as shaky.

"Amara, I'm scared!" Fuck, these kids know how to tear my heart in two.

"We're living in a Walking Dead situation right now, Kaylee." She didn't ever watch the show with us because it was too gory for her.

"Oh my god! Like what happened at school?!" I could hear her about to break down. It had completely slipped my mind that I had picked her up from school just an hour or so before this.

"Listen to me, did you lock the door? Wait! You have Leon with you, right?!" I had only assumed she did but if she didn't. Oh god! He could be my mom's next meal or snack considering how small he is. He's only 5.

"Yeah, Yeah I have him. He's playing with my stuffed animals right now. Are you with Wen?" Her breath was still shaky. I sighed with relief knowing he was okay.

"Yeah we're in the bathroom. Listen, I'm going to call Dad. Keep Leon in your room with the door locked." The sound behind the door stopped. I could hear my mom stumble down the hallway back to her room. She probably realized she won't be able to get to us and would rather continue snacking on her dead husband.

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