You definitely know now. Art by SirSc0ttie
1. Peace
2. Fateshifter
3. Spaceseeker
4. Nimbleclaws
5. Truthfinder
6. Shadowstopper
7. Victorious
8. Smokespewer
9. Pathfinder
10. Smalltail
11. Dauntless
12. Glareseeker
13. Airchanger
14. Nightsong
15. Galaxycatcher
16. Windwatcher
17. Hopebringer
18. Mindfinder
19. Starscales
20. Cometwatcher
21. Treetail
22. Bluemoon
23. Longtail
24. Cleverclaws
25. Sharphorns
26. Blackstar
27. Moonwalker
28. Duskwalker
29. Softscale
30. HatestopperFemale
1. Wishmaker
2. Opalsight
3. Stormdancer
4. Lightbringer
5. Brighteyes
6. Darkcloud
7. Silverscale
8. Mystique
9. Eveningstar
10. Wonder
11. Moonlark
12. Sundreamer
13. Pearlclaws
14. Lovehealer
15. Starcatcher
16. Harmony
17. Jewelshade
18. Cleargaze
19. Twilight
20. Melody
21. Starsearch
22. Darkmatter
23. Ravenhorns
24. Aurawing
25. Galassia
26. Roseclaws
27. Nighttale
28. Dusklight
29. Astra
30. Marbletail
WoF names!
RandomThis uses your birth month and date of birth, but feel free to just have a look.