💔 Swerve. (dreamberry, dream x blue)

904 10 20

Warnings: murder, implied suicide, gore, cheating, implied drowning.

Authors Note: (N/A)

(Blue's pov)

I sat on my bed, feeling only regret and hatred. Next to me was a shredded plush of Dream he had given me for our 8th aniversary. He told me he couldn't bear the thought of being away from me, so I could carry him wherever I went. What a lie.

I had done so much for him, stood between him and Nightmare, the literal king of negativity, but that wasn't enough. Three days prior to now, I had walked in on him sleeping with Ink, my own best friend. He knew how much I loved him. HE KNEW HOW MUCH I LOVED HIM.

I had a plan for tonight. I stole a kitchen knife and hid it under my mattress, planning to use it on Dream and Ink, watching them writhe in agony, just like I did. I looked at my hands, and then the plush. Was I really about to do this?

"Yes. Yes I will." I said to myself.

I put on a strained smile and left my room. I saw Dream and Ink hugging and kissing in the kitchen. They were perfect for each other. I wish I was lying. I snuck over and took Dreams car keys, he locked them in his safe at night, so I couldn't drive off in the middle of the night.

"Hey Bluebell, watcha doin?" Ink "asked", with a shit-eating grin on his face. Bluebell. Thats what Dream always called me. How dare he. I just smiled more, attempting to mask my intentions. I can't have them suspicious of me. "Oh, nothing of your concern!" I said, shutting him down. Dream just looked away, he looked guilty. He should be.

I left as quick as I could, but Dream stopped me.


"What could you possibly want now.", I muttered under my breath, turning to face him.

"I- I'm sorry." He said, clearly expecting for things to be different. There was no use in being nice now, so I looked him dead in the eyes and flatly said "you should be." And walked off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ink glaring at him.


Time skip to 1:00am )

I brandished my knife, staring at my old plush, torn to shreds and on the floor. I was ready. Ink was first, so I snuck into his room, and stared into his eyelights, not an ounce of empathy in them.

I wasn't going to let him off easy, so I woke him up first. "mggh.. Dream..?" He mumbled, eyes half open. I just stayed silent, and plunged my knife into his skull, stabbing him over and over again, anywhere I could think of. He tried to scream, but he choked on his own blood and dust before he could.

I left, leaving him in agony, Dream was next. I snuck over to his room, it was decorated with string lights and plants, that seemed to be wilting. I took my blood stained knife and reached for his SOUL. I stabbed him as hard as I possibly could, leaving golden blood splattered on my face and my blue bandana.

He woke up before he dusted, and he just stared into my eyes, with his weakening golden eyelights. There was no words, just disappointment. Before I left, I noticed a note on his nightstand, addressed to Ink.

Dear Ink, you know I love you but I can't keep doing this. I see your beautiful eyelights and all I can think of is how dissapointed Blue must be in us. It kills me inside to think of him, and I can't help but think about what things could of been if I had never cheated. I'm sorry, but we're done.

Love, Dream.

I stared at the slip of paper if front of me, and after what seemed like an eternity, I screamed. I sobbed until my skull was a pitiful shade of blue and purple, I sobbed until I appeared just as hopeless and wilted as the plants in Dreams room. I screamed into the abyss, waiting for some sort of response.


I attempted to wipe my tears as I climbed into the car, not bothering to use my seatbelt.

20 mph
60 mph
80 mph
120 mph
140 mph.

I drove towards the lake, hardly able to see from my tears. As I approached, I closed my eyes.


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