☁🍋 Freaky. ( Horror x Fell )

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Warnings: Drinking, Sexual themes.

Authors Note: request by fell_sans_simp101 couldn't include the yandere portion, I tried but it kind of lost its fluff in the process. I'm so sorry but I don't think I'll write any lemons in the future, purely because I suck at this :/.

Horror's pov

"Hey Babe!" I saw Fell running up to me with a huge smile, his gold tooth shining in the sun. He was perfect. "So ya know how you've never been to Outertale??" He asked with his puppy eyes.
"What are you up to now?" I raised a nonexistant eyebrow. "So I was wonderin if maybe you would possibly want to go to this really good bar (aka grillbys) in Outertale?" He averted his eyes.

"Babe, we've been dating for years, you don't have to be embarrased to ask me on a date." I chuckled, his entire face was red. He was so adorable when he was embarrased. "Yeah, yeah." He playfully rolled his eyes. "Either way, do ya want to go?" He smiled up at me.

"Do they sell head dogs?" I laughed. "Of course I do."

"How are we gonna get there anyways?" I raised a nonexistant eyebrow. "I found a portal that Error left open!" Fell took my hand, dragging me towards the portal. After a flash of white stars surrounded me, it was beautiful. "How'd ya find this au?" I inquired, staring at the stars above me.

"Nightmare sent me on a mission a while back, just couldn't stop thinkin about this au." He blushed, gripping my hand harder. "I can see why, this is gorgeous!" I smirked. "Not as beautiful as you," I smiled cheekily at him as his cheeks grew red.

"Weren't we here for Grillbys?" He changed the topic, still just as flustered. "Yeah yeah, love ya." I started towards Grillbys and he followed.

Time skip to a few hours later ( SMUT IS COMING UP, CLICK OFF IF UNCOMFORTABLE )

We were both wasted off our ass, and the night grew darker. "Fuckkk, you're cute Roryyy.. He set his hand on my chest. "Can say the same for ya babyy.." I set my hand on his, leaning towards him. I wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him deeply.

He gripped my chest, leaning into the kiss, grinding into me. "Why don't we take this home~?" His half lidded eyes stared into my mine and I just nodded. I took his shoulder and we teleported to our bedroom. We stumbled over to the bed and flopped onto it.

I crawled on top of him, drawing lines on his chest as I kissed his neck.

He let out a gasp, squirming underneath me. "H-Holy shit.." He blushed even more than he was already. I lifted off his shirt, then proceeding to strip myself of my clothes. "You're so cute when you're nervous Fell.."

I planted deep kisses all over his torso, growing ever lower. He instincively spread his legs, getting ready for what was about to happen. His translucent body was beautiful, glowing a shade of cherry red.

I slowly pulled off his shorts, him squirming more by the second. I kissed his neck, pushing the tip of my member in his entrence. Slowly, I shoved the rest of my member into his entrance. "Mph..! F-Fuck.." He let out a low moan, and I smirked. I started thrusting faster and his moans got louder. "H-Holy shit!! Keep g-going..!"

I thrusted deep, his entance stretching out with each thrust. "D-Deeper! Please!" He stuttered over words, spreading his legs wider so he could let me in farther. "You like that?" I whispered in his ear, my voice low.

"Y-Yes!! He bucked his hips up into my member. He let out a loud moan, slowly coming closer to his cl¡max. I let out a low moan, he was so tight. I gripped his hips tighter, us both coming closer. "F-Faster..!"

"You feel so tight..!" His eyes shut tight while my lips explored his body, him whimpering more with each kiss.

"Mph! I-I'm gonna..!" Fell came, his entrance becoming tighter around my member. "Fuck..!" I came at the same time, falling on top of him.

"Fuck you felt good.." My eyes slowly connected and we promptly fell asleep.


Ok note 2 holy shit its been like, almost 2 years. I sincerely apologize to whoever was unfortunate enough to finally find rarepair smut and then its just. This. Yeah i might delete this, working on a seperate fic rn (its probably only gonna be on ao3? Wattpad kinda sucks so. Its gonna be about gaster and the events leading up to his death. You have no idea how hard im fighting not to make this a sanster fic. Anyways 😊😊 byebye!!

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