Chapter 37

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The mysteriously eerie grin covered her painted, red lips

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The mysteriously eerie grin covered her painted, red lips. A lady, clad in a white, frilly dress, stepped out of one of the vehicles. The raven haired woman, whose hair was put up in a bun, looked no less than in her late thirties, yet her youthful face seemed to be indicating towards a younger age. An even whiter overcoat covered her shoulders. And soon she walked closer to Alana and the others with her white heel-boots guiding her feet. A transparent, small, circular shelter floated wherever she went, thus preventing the rain from drenching her. Without the smile leaving her face, the lady stretched her full-length gloved hand forward, in hopes of shaking hands with Alana. Not so surprisingly, similar to the rest of her attire, the gloves were white as well. This lady appeared to have a great liking for the colour white.

"The name's—"

It took a fragment of second, for the unexpected event to take place. The cut-off tail of the now deceased Devil Class Dragonesian flew in the direction of the lady. Particularly towards her neck, to slit it in half. However, her reflexes were much faster. With her ever so smiling face, she sliced the tail into two halves with a sword.

The ironic thing was that, the lady was not holding a sword before, when she had approached Alana. It was a white purse that was in her grasp, which had in an instant, transformed into an enchanting sword.

When her work was finished, quite casually, she wiped off the midnight blue blood that had previously splattered onto her face. Well, not after she had changed the sword back to her purse.

"Please pardon the unexpected intrusion, although it was none of our fault," the lady laughed, but they didn't.

"It is a pleasure to find more humans," the lady continued whatsoever, her eyes glancing at each one of them with intrigue, "The name's Luxuria Demi. And I am the leader of our revolutionary organization, Bronte. We are looking for humans who would be able to help us in putting a stop to The Takeover, the first stage of The Insurrection."

"How do you know about—the Insurrection and Takeover?" Lucian asked at once, suspicion, and confusion both creating a nest inside his mind, akin to his friends.

"What is there not to know about?" the lady questioned, or rather stated, with her grin on display.

"Well—" Alana put a hand on Lucian's shoulder to forbid him from speaking further. The boy clearly seemed to be wanting to inquire more. And although they were humans, in these times, no one could be trusted. Hence, it was better to keep things short.

Had the members of the Bronte organization approached the past Alana, when she and Leon were still trying to keep up with one another, the girl would have left the Dragonesian boy instantaneously. But now things were different. Now Alana was different. All these weeks that she had spent with Leon, Lena, Lucian, Cynthia and Cora, it made her feel emotions she never felt before, but deep down yearned for. She learnt that just how not all Dragonesians were evil, similarly, not all humans were kind. There was good and evil in everyone, even in her own self, and the girl had already crossed the stage of realization.

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