Chapter 36

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Lena's scream was enough to alert Alana, Lucian, Cynthia, and Cora in hiding

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Lena's scream was enough to alert Alana, Lucian, Cynthia, and Cora in hiding. The four were not far away from the storage room. Out of sheer luck, the quartet had found themselves facing a hole in the ground, enough to fit them all. On top of that, the area was covered by ivy plants. Lucian had suggested going down the hole and staying there, the hole being not deep. The tetrad were on the verge of processing out their hiding tactics, when Lena's scream—scream for Leon invaded their ears. Alana was the first to turn on her heels and run through the heavy rain, almost instantaneously. The other three followed the girl soon.

With the Qiang in one hand, Alana would have thrown the weapon at the remorseless Dragonesian at once. But it was statistically not possible. Alana needed more force to at least be able to injure the flying Dragonesian.

The girl threw her bag at one side as she pointed the Qiang at the Dragonesian. Lena breathed a sigh of relief.

While running through the torrential rain, Cora's feet slipped on the muddy path and eventually, the girl lost balance. Lucian and Cynthia halted their steps to help the young girl up when the sixteen-year-old girl held onto his wrist.

"Go, and help Alana," Cynthia, although stated forbearingly, sorrow danced in her eyes, "She needs your help."

Lucian glanced at Cora who was checking her scraped knee, then back at Cynthia's unwavering face. He looked over at Alana struggling with the Qiang, as the spear-like weapon missed the designated target every single time. Sending a small nod to the Kiorsa sisters, Lucian sped up his feet and finally reached the floundering girl.

"Let me help you," Lucian kept his hand on Alana's shoulder, thus taking the attention of the girl who was on the verge of hurling the Qiang for the second time.

It would be an understatement to say Lucian was startled to see Alana's teary face. It was a vague concept to be true whether Alana was in reality shedding tears, or it was just the rain streaming down her cheeks. Either ways, she was in great pain and Lucian could feel it. She was writhing inside with the absolute thought of not being able to save Leon.

With the mere thought of not being enough. Lucian could highly relate to what the girl was going through, since both of them had willingly become the protectors of the group. What protectors were they if they could not even protect one of their teammates?

Without wasting any time, Lucian positioned himself beside Alana and lifted the heavy weapon, pointing it at the flying Dragonesian.

"On the count of three," Alana mumbled, her voice taking a shaky turn, "Let's do this, Lucian."

"On the count of three," Lucian repeated, agreeing with the girl, "We can do this, Alana."

"One," both Alana and Lucian made the grasp around the handle of the Qiang tight.

"Two," with Lucian's command, the two pointed the sharp blade at their enemy.

"Three!" Alana yelled out loud and soon the Qiang was flying with great force towards the Dragonesian woman who had her clutches around the frail Leon. As soon as the Dragonesian woman's wings faltered, Alana wanted to jump out of pure joy. But it was only for a moment. Soon, her wings regained strength and she resumed her villainous endeavour.

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