She Flies!

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I spread my wings and measured them to the breeze, feeling the air around them. I moved them up and down slowly feeling the pressure on my paws get lighter as I went up.

'Kitten if your to tired to walk then Ill carry you. I dont want you flying.'

I just scowled and waved them harder just to show him I wasnt listening to him. I was completely off the ground with my wings waving and my back feet dangling below me.

'Does anyone know how to fix my feet?'

'Uh you could try moving forward and maybe it would balance you out?'

'Thanks Ray.'

I leaned my front paws forward and leaned my head and it did it! I started flying forward and picked up speed with my body as strait as an arrow. speeding through the air. Then I slowed down and started gliding through the air watching the sunlight hit the woods below.

'Its beautiful isnt it...' My wolf said in a daze.

'Its very beautiful.'

'Want to skim over the lake before we head to Alpha Rays? His house is on the other side of the lake.'


I gided down and swept my paws on the surface of the lake. The cold water felt amazing. I started bounding on the water, jumping into the air when my paws touched the surface of the water. Taking one long leap after another. I soon hit the end of the lake and landed on the ground. With everyone staring at me like I was crazy.

I transformed back into a human as soon as my dad covered me with his shirt.

"That was awesome!" I yelled, still feeling the freedom of flying.

"Yea well Im sure your tired. Kitten lets go get some rest." Then Zack picked me up in his arms and I realized how tired I was. I saw him put a a sexy, cocky smile probably glad I didnt fight him on it. I was to tired to.

He carried me upstairs and laid me on a bed and wrapped the cover around me. Then got in bed and snuggled up behind me.

"What do you think your doing?"

"Im sleeping with my mate. I know it feels good so dont even deny it."

I pressed my body closer to his. Feelin his shape against me.

'Wait did I do that?'

'Yes you did. Our mate feels lovely doent he.' My wolf said with a lovestruck expresion.

"Kitten" Zack said groaning.

"Just...sleep Zack."

"Kitten your making it so hard to."

I felt his lips sweep against my neck and realized I only had a shirt on. Nothing but a shirt.

"Zack Im too tired for that."

"Ok then when we wake up. Its going to happen anyway with us being mates."

"We'll see."

Then we both fell asleep when his arm tightened around my waist pulling me even harder against him which drove my wolf crazy.

Damn that was amazing. I stared at my naked mate but his shorts back on. Leaving his absolutely chizzled upper body visible. I walked over to him, still naked, I wrapped my arms around his neck. And he put his hands around my waist.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure kitten."

"Have you ever... you know done that with any other girl."

"No kitten. Not one ever. Your the first. What about you?"

"Never. I was a virgin."

"That suprises me because Im pretty sure that was the best sex anyones ever had."

My face turned red and he chuckled. I pulled away from him with my hands still on his chest.

"You know we should really go down stairs and meet your pack before one of them comes up here and sees us like this."

He backed away and tossed me one of his shirts with a sigh and watched me put it on.

"What you looking at."

"My beautiful mate dressing her beautiful body."

"Well Im going downstairs."

As I walked downstairs this huge guy hugged me. WTF?!?!

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