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Jakes P.O.V

It had took me, Zack, Mr. Zeke and Alpha Ray to pull her off Blake.

"Baby are you ok?" Zack went to touch Iona's shoulder but she growled lowly and slapped his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me." I was trying so hard to hold back a smile or a laugh. Blake was currently in emergency care. And the sadness from Iona was so strong.

"What if I killed her...I could have killed her..." She whispered and looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I sat next to her and craddled her into my chest while stroking her hair.

"Its ok...Blake will be fine love..." I heard a growl errupt from Zack...oh well. Id been calling Iona love since second grade. Then I looked at Iona and her eyes were black as a responce to his growl. She got up from me and slapped the hell out of Zack.

"Oooh shit." I said prolonging the I. She laughed and he stood there is shock.

"I, Iona Grace. DENY you worthy as a mate. I DENY your rights this mark has given you. I DENY the mark I have given you. And I DENY you my future Alpha." It wasn't over...Zack hadn't accepted. He wasn't going to accept the denial either. I could see it in his eyes. He stepped up to her with soft eyes that made me sick...I just hope Iona knows now that everything he says is bullshit.

"I, Zack Lafe. Deny your statement." Iona growled in a furious rage and I stood back to watch the flames of her fire burn on Zack.

"Just let me go!" She roared.

"No. I love you." He pulled her body to his and was about to kkiss her but she pushed him.

"Kick...his nuts." I said. I fell over laughing when she kneed him hard in the nuts.

"Oh...my...luna." I managed to say between laughs as I got up. She came over to me and leaned on my chest and looked up at me.

"Lets get out of here Jakey."

"Yooou got it babe." I put her in the car before she could say anything and drove off with her.

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