Im glad to be back :)

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Iona's P.O.V.

We got to Jake's beach house he bought off camp grounds.  He was so excited he was shaking.

"You know what you just did was totally badass right?!?!  You should have seen that mutts face!" He laughed. "Freaking priceless!"

I blushed and laughed.

"All I need is for him to accept my rejection and Im out of that could he do that to me and then say he loves me?..." I trailed off in my own thoughts of sadness until Jake snapped me out of it.

"Hey your staying with me right?"

I shrugged.  "Yeah, for awhile I guess."

"Cool...look Iona...I have to ask you something..."

I tilted my head. "Whats up Jakey?"

"Look Iona your done with him right?  Completely?"


"Well Iona...I've loved you since second grade and im to the point where I don't give a crap what the higher ranked guys have to say about it."  He looked into my eyes and his where soft and welcoming..

"I love you, Iona."

I hugged him hard.  He cares.  Hes always been there for me.  Were closer than anyone...damn I love him.

"I love you too, anyone tries to stop us...they die..."

He laughed and winked down at me.

"Time to unpack your bags babe."

"Wait how many rooms are there?"

"One but im bunking on the couch for you."

"NYAAAAH." I clung to him.  "NO!  Your snuggling with me."

"Ok ok watch it Nona don't break your boyfriend."  He chuckled as I backed away and let him carry the bags.

                             NEXT DAY.

Zack's P.O.V.

Dammit where's Iona...I have been waiting by the entrance of school for like an hour...

"Dude don't me..."

I looked at my future beta and best friend Austin...then I saw past him.  It was Iona...she was so beautiful with her thick wavy dark brown hair down...perfect healthy shine.  Jean shorts that showed just enough of her perfectly tanned long legs and a beautiful flowy white top that buttoned down the middle.  She had the top two unbuttoned...damn why not three...itd show off just enough...then I trailed down her arm and saw it.  OH HELL NO.  WHY WAS THAT MUTTS HAND HOLDING MY IONAS?!?!  IS THAT A PROMISE RING ON HER LEFT HAND??? Oh that little bitch.  Then Blake scampered over to me wearing some skimpy red dress and white pumps...ugh.  Nothing compared to Ionas natural beauty.  She wrapped her arms around me.

"Hey baby...I healed fast so now it's just you and me today my parents are out after school." She winked and leaned up to kiss me and I got a quick glance at Iona looking over and glaring at Blake...jealousy?  Ohhh Im getting her back now...all I gotta do is this.  I kissed  Blake which turned into a makeout session right on school front.  Oh well if it gets her back.

Iona's P.O.V.

Jake did the cutest things in his sleep.  He looked so innocent.  My own cute big cuddly teddy bear.  Then I saw Blake and Zack and shot a glare at the slut. Not out of jealousy but because I had hoped to put her out of her fake persona for a few days, guess I should have broke her face harder...oh well.  They could have sex all they wanted.  Me and Jake decided to wait.  He gave me a promise ring and everything.  Oh my god I love him.  We hit my math class and I got all sad and pout-lipped.  Jake shook his head and kissed the top of my head.

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