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4 days later

Iona's P.O.V.

Jake and I got into the local diner for breakfast and sat at a booth.  Even though it was just two of us we love sitting in the more comfortable booths.  The waitress came and smiled at Jake brightly and only side glanced at me.  I glared at her.

"Would you like anything to drink?"   Jake was looking at her in a...weird way...

"Yeah, I want a sprite."

"And you?"  She asked me with a bit of a sour tone.

"Tea please."  She walked off and took care of other tables.  Jake wasn't much for cconversation even though I tried...I picked up that every time the waitress walked my he changed his posture to where he leaned out of the booth a little even more closed off from me.

"Are you ok Jake?"  He flashed a smile at me but it wasn't the same...his eyes gave him away.

"She's you're mate isn't she."

"It's nothing Iona..."

"Jake go to her."


"Jake go.  I know how hard it is once you've seen your mate just go."

"I won't leave you as long as I-"

"Jake don't make this harder on yourself or me...please..."

He clenched his fists and closed his eyes.  I fought back tears, closed my eyes and looked down. 

"I love you."

"I love you too Jake..." I said through my heavy sadness.  I have to let him go.

He got up and went to the bar and smiled at the waitress, starting conversation.

I calmly walked out of the diner and as soon as I hit the woods that were a few foot off the edge of the rode.  I took off feeling my limbs change and my clothes rip.  Flames formed at my paws as I ran through the woods.  I heard the ground sizzle beneath my paws as I took off full speed dodging trees and feeling the wind through my fur.  I cried as I ran.  I ran and cried and cried.  For happiness for Jake, and for the loss of the two loves I lost...I wasn't paying attention and before I knew it I was on the ground in horrible pain.  That's when I caught the unfamiliar scent and I looked down and saw the blood.  I've been shot!  Dammit it's silver!  I blacked out from pain.

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