Chapter 1

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1878, ship to America

           I leaned over the railing of the ship, enjoying the sea breeze. My dress fluttered in the air because apparently women doctors in the late 19th century had to. I sighed, at least they recognize my talent in healing people. Besides, they wouldn't know that my understanding of medicine, biology, chemistry, is more advanced than they know. But hey, I don't hear any complaints despite the occasional stink-eye from other jealous doctors.

           Henry Antrim, or 'Billy', started to peel an apple in his hand. I look over to see what he's doing. Seems like he's carving the fruit like a swan again, a specialty of his. I let him do whatever as I scan the deep blue horizon.

           ...That was until I spotted something odd. I adjust my glasses and squint to see if I'm seeing things correctly.

           "Hey, Billy?" I said, inspecting what it appears to be a pile of driftwood floating. If my eyesight is still working properly, I see a wet mop of blonde hair along with another man, both seem to be unconscious. That's bad, like really bad. "You seeing this shit?"

           My usage of vulgar words seems to have caught his attention. He joined me on the railings as I pointed at the strange sight before me. I watched him squint his eyes to see what on Earth I was talking about.

           "...Oh, those are floating bodies alright." He sprinted to the nearest lifeboat as I followed behind quickly. I grabbed the necessary things like rope and quickly followed his way. We get on the boat and turned on its propeller at full speed. Holding on to the side, I prepared for the inevitable.

           'If I remember correctly, these two are William and Sherlock... Aren't they supposed to be in the sewers in the manga?' I thought to myself. '...Well, the details are not mentioned so I guess this is somewhat canon compliant?'

           "Quick, pull out the bodies!" Billy ordered. Of course I complied. It takes a while to haul their drenched bodies, even when I felt broken bones underneath their clothes. I speculate on how much damage the fall did to them considering that they fell at... I guess 140 feet? And into the freezing water no less.

           Without a word, Billy drove back to the ship with haste. I got into work mode as I focus on the bodies in a vegetative state. Removing the coat from Sherlock and unbuttoning his undershirt, I cringed when I felt around his ribs, feeling some weird placements due to some likely broken bones. With two fingers, I felt for a pulse on his neck.

           '...No pulse but their lungs might have water in them'. I turn back to do the same for William.

          ' ...Also no pulse'.

           I also tried to undress William so that the cold wet clothes of his doesn't suffocate him further but it proves to be a bit difficult. 'Seriously, how do they even put this on?' Might as well take care of Sherlock first.

           Looking back again, I knelt down beside him and centered my hands towards his chest. 'How long are they in the ocean anyways?' I flip my hair over to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR.

            '1, 2, 3, 4...' I count internally. Up to 30.

           I quickly back away when Sherlock coughs up some water. I guide his head to the side to help him spit out some more before returning the chest compressions.

            'C'mon, remember your training.' Since his heart starts pumping a bit, I tilt his head back when he immediately stops coughing, going back to an unconscious state. I gently lift his chin forward and open his airway.

           "...Oh boy,' Normally I have no issue doing this. It saves people's lives and all. But doing to THE Sherlock Holmes? I felt a bit proud of myself, more so that I'm doing CPR to William next but I quickly shake my head at the thought. 'STOP DAYDREAMING, THEY'RE LITERALLY DYING!'

          With a deep breath, I pinch his nose to prepare to make a complete seal over his mouth with mine.

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