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Ray's life was a mess and not even alcohol could soothe him. His friend group was shit, and he had lost the one person who actually gave two shits about him.

Ray had been so obsessed about Mew that he ignored all the possibility of ever falling in love with anyone who wasn't Mew. He had hook ups with various people but he never opened his heart to anyone only reserving it only for his friend.

Because of his unrequited love for his bestfriend he didn't even realise when love came into his life. He didn't even notice that he had given parts of himself to this other person. This person cared for him without any expectations, he could be unapologetically himself around this person. There wasn't any judgements, any pressure to take care of anyone and he didn't feel like a burden.

All his life Ray had felt like a burden to everyone in his life, from his family to his friends.

"You are such a burden Ray."

Those words he had heard all his life ever since he could remember. He felt worthless and he believed he was no good to anyone. That's why Ray had lived a reckless life, that's why he would drown himself in alcohol and random hook ups. Maybe that's also the only reason he fell in love with his bestfriend.

Mew was the only person who believed in him, who saw him as more than a spoilt rich brat who was no good to anyone. Mew would always encourage him and give him genuine praises, praises that he so desperately craved for. So because of this he he dedicated himself in winning Mew over.

Even when Mew fell in love with someone else Ray didn't give up. He believed that Top would break Mew's heart, anyone with eyes could see that Top was a player. What he didn't expect was Mew actually choosing Top even after the latter fucked Boston, one of their bestfriend.

Mew chose Top over their friendship, and now their friendship was in shambles. Not only that but Ray had lost the one person who saw him for who truly was, who probably loved him without any expectations and limitations.

As he downed his 7th shot of that evening he vividly remembered the day he pushed the only person who probably loved him.


Sand had a tough exterior but was a ball of sunshine. The latter would take care of him when he would get shit face drunk. He would encourage him, share parts of himself with Ray while expecting nothing in return. The only thing Sand probably expected from him was half the amount of love he gave him.

But Ray couldn't, he was still in love with someone who would never love him back.

Ray downed his 8th shot when he thought of Sand and his perfect brown eyes that would stare at him with so much love and affection.

Even with the amount of alcohol in his system, Ray still felt like shit. The alcohol that was able to numb the hurt and rejection he received from his father couldn't numb him that night.

As he stumbled to the bathroom almost knocking everyone and everything on his way he bumped into someone.

"Sorry sorry." Ray mumbled as he tried to stabilize himself.

"It's okay handsome." The stranger said with a flirtatious smile.

Maybe this good-looking stranger could take his mind off Sand. So Ray decided to flirt with this stranger, he didn't even bother getting his name because he knew he wouldn't remember it in the morning and he didn't really care.

That's how Ray ended up in this situation, shit face drunk and tripping out of his mind.

Ray's whole body was tense at every muscle and a feeling of weird apprehension swept over him, strangled him, suffocated him. When Ray opened his eyes, he realized that it was just the handsome stranger who had put his arm around his shoulder.

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