Museum Posters and Chance Will Bring Us Together

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            R was broke, an alcoholic and a museum guide for the summer. But things could be worse, he could be a... Well, he could be um... Okay yeah, this sucks. The annoying tourists, the kids that wanted to touch everything and, the students who wanted nothing more then to drop dead then to be on the tours. Almost everything about his job was drop dead awful; the only good thing was the promotional poster of HIS painting everywhere. It was beautiful, life-sized posters of one of the final scene of main the exhibit he was working in, the ONLY thing that kept him from quitting.  It was of a beautiful, well structured, boy with curly blond hair, piercing blue eyes holding up a red flag. His face still set with determination though all hope was lost. To put it simply, he was god-like.

There was supposed to be another revolutionary next to him but R refused to paint him. He was described as an ugly alcoholic, who loved the blond boy. It hit a bit to close to home for R. Yes, R had slowly fallen in love with the blond-god like-boy, enough so to try to read the book from the exhibit. (He ended up only reading the parts with the boys of the barricade in them, skimming when the ugly alcoholic came up). Though he would never admit it to anyone, the highlight of his job was definitely the poster.

"R! You are going to be late for a privet tour!"

"Hmmm? What? Oh yes right, sorry director Jean."

"Your not late yet. But, you're going to be soon."

"Right sorry"

"Remember, the young man your going to give a tour to comes from a prominent family that donates frequently to museums so try to make a good impression."

"No one uses the term 'from a prominent family' anymore." R pointed out.

"Ugh, I can't get through to you young people. Just GO."

"See ya."

R was practically sprinting over. He did hate his job but he certaintly didn't hate the cash he made at his job. If this guy was loaded and an art snob like his parents,  R could be in for a really good tip at the end of the day.

He ran so fast he bumped into someone.

"HEY watch where you're going!"

"Do all museum employees here treat patrons like this?"

R looks up, and his heart practically dropped out of his chest. Standing above him was a good looking-no-HANDSOM young man. He was wearing a red jacket, worn but obviously expensive. His bright blond curls were out off sorts from the jolt but framed his face perfectly. His eyes were as blue as the sky and R knew him from somewhere but...

"Are you just going to stare all day? What do I have something on my face?" The man said with a small chuckle at his comment.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry Mr. ummm."

"Call me E"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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Museum Posters and Chance Will Bring Us Together (Enjoltaire One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now