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"Jer!" I hear Belly yell.

"J! Are you home?" Conrad yells.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I say, laughing. It has been so lonely, and Nat only got here a day ago. I can't wait to go surfing with Conrad, or even just have him say something sarcastic again.

"Hey Jer!" Belly says. She drops the luggage and hugs me.

Then, Conrad comes up and pats me on the back.

That is the most Conrad ever got to saying hello.

"Wow, Belly, you really changed him. He finally said hello to me, after all the years we spent together." Conrad laughed. He laughed.

I went back upstairs, and quickly shut Nat's door. I want to surprise them at dinner.

"I thought you guys will share a room, since your married." I say, when Belly goes to go in Nat's room.

"Oh." Belly says. "Okay, I just wanted to see my room. But that's okay."

'Suprise them now.' I think.

"You can see your room." I say with a smile on my face. Conrad knows something is up. He is giving me the eyebrow.

Belly walks in, and then jumps back in surprise.

"Jeremiah Fisher!" She said. "No freaking way."

"Yes, freaking way." I say, laughing.

"What is going on?" Conrad says.

"Come in and look, Con." I say, opening the door wider so they can see Nat.

"Bro...." Conrad's eyes go wide as he sees Nat in her crib, giggling at Belly.

"What's her name?" Belly asks.

"Natalie Susannah Fisher." I say proudly. Nat squeals when she sees me and writhes around in her onesie that I went out and bought for her. It has a fishhook where the pocket is supposed to be, with a fish on the end. It was in the boy's isle, but Nat loved it, so we got it for her.

"Hey, Nat. You look so cute. "Belly said.

"How did you know I called her that?" I asked, knowing her answer.

"ESP, remember?" she says, tapping her head.

"Who's the mom?" Conrad asks.

"I don't really know, she just dropped her off." I said, looking at Nat. She was giggling, her bright blue eyes sparkling in the light that's coming through the window.

"Her eyes look like the ocean right there," Belly says. "Kinda like yours."

I smile, but a pained one. I replay my mother's words in my head to reassure me.

'Take your time, some things just need time.'

"Let's go downstairs! I made lunch." I say, grabbing Nat out of Belly's hands.

"Hey!" She says. "I was holding her."

"She's, my baby." I say back and hold Nat close. She giggles and puts her fist in her mouth. 

I got some of my family. I still need the rest.

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