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After lunch, Nat had to go down for her nap, so me, Conrad, and Belly all set up for the big Fourth of July party we were hosting, but just friends and family. It's not going to be a huge party, but I want it to be a fun one, since this is the first Fourth of July without Mom. Mom wouldn't have the whole town over. Belly and Steve would already be over her, but my dad might come, and my extended family.

Oh god, I think. What is my dad going to think about Nat?

I hope he likes her. She has grown on me, and you can see the resemblances in our faces. Nat has brown hair growing on her head, but a honey brown, golden like mine. She has the bluest eyes, bluer than the ocean

"Belly, can you grab Nat? She is going to be awake soon." I asked Belly, because I know Conrad was not really a baby person. I said was, because Belly has put Conrad in such a good mood. I don't know if he is going to become some baby-loving-non-Conrad.

"Of course!" Belly has grown an attachment to Nat as well, and Conrad, well, is Conrad around her.

She comes down, with a sleepy Nat in her hands. Once she sees me, she squeals and reaches her arms out towards me.

"Um, Jer?" Belly says.

"Ya?" I say, feeding Nat out of her bottle.

"Did you notice that Nat has small bruises all over her body?" Belly says nervously

I look at her, then look at my baby. I take off her onesie and put it on the counter. I see little bruises, some are green, and some are slowly fading.

"What do you think those are from?" Belly asks.

"I don't know. Maybe," I swallow than continue. "Chloe beat her?"

"Maybe. But she looks like she is okay now." Belly says and comes over to place a kiss on Nat's cheek.

1 day later----------------------------------------

"We're here!" Laure says.

"What the-" Steve starts to say, but I cut him off with a shush.

"Why?" He says loudly.

"Cause it's my house." I say. Thank God for my easy personality. They would've thrown a fit because I don't lie as much.

"Good to see you, Jer. How have you been holding up?" Laure asks.

"Better the last few weeks." I say. Natalie has brought more joy than I've realized a child can bring to you.

"Good to hear. Do you know where Conrad and Belly are?" She asks.

"They are on the pool deck, I just came in to make lunch." I lie. I was here to check-up on Nat before they got here.

"Thanks, Jer." Laure leaves out the screen door and disappears behind the curtains.

"Hey Steve." I say and hug him. It has been so long since I have seen my friend, ever since he went off to college that last summer, I only saw him for the funeral and for the wedding. "How has your life been?"

"Pretty good, my boss finally let me off. He has been piling work onto me." Steve complains.

"Bosses can either be the best or the worst." I say in sympathy.

We walk out onto the deck and start hanging up decorations I layed out this morning. Belly told me where everything went, since I don't trust myself or Conrad to do the decorating. He might've changed, but not THAT much.

We just worked in silence, until I broke the silence. I noticed, it's always me who breaks the silence.

"So, what do we want for lunch today?" I asked cheerfully.

"Wait, you cook?" Steve asks?

"A little." I say, not giving the reason why I learned.

"Well, some of your Beck's famous pasta salad would be nice." Laure said. "I haven't had it since Beck passed."

I wonder how Laure had been able to say that without tears. I still haven't, and it's been so long.

"Alright! Pasta salad it is." I say. 

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