◄ Blood I ►

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lim·er·ence | Chapter I

It was odd. The Sakamaki mansion was eerily quiet for Yui. Usually, Ayato or Laito would be onto her, demanding blood yet, the brothers were nowhere to be seen. Deciding to take this chance to explore the place, she pulled the door to her bedroom open.

Peeking her head out, she looked left to right before stepping out. It looked like the brothers were busy for once. That thought made her feel slightly braver as she walked down the dimmed hall.

The human-made her way down the stairs, taking in everything as she traveled. This was the first time she saw the designs and decoration of the large mansion; it was her fourth day to reside here after all and the brothers never gave her a chance to explore the place.

Yui took in everything, the expensive vases, exclusive looking paintings, designed doors. There were many twists and turns she notices, walking aimlessly.

It was obvious to anyone that saw her interaction with the Sakamaki brothers, she was afraid. She held much fear for the vampire brothers. She wondered if her beloved father knew of what they were before shaking her head, that is impossible. If Father knew, he would have never allowed this to happen. He wouldn't have let those vampires hurt her. After all, it was he who took her in and cared for an orphan child like her.

It was only after her legs began to hurt, did she realize she was lost.

Looking around for some sort of guide, she noticed a strange mark on the wall. It was a dark cross. How peculiar. It was the same mark as her Father's church.

Taking a quick step forward, she trailed her fingers along with the cross. She missed him. When the tips of her slim fingers reached the middle of the sign, she noticed a small gem. Without hesitation, she pressed her palm against it. Immediately, the whole section of the wall crumbled and moved to create an entrance.

The human jumped in fright but managed to move her hand to cover her mouth, preventing any sound. It was indeed frightening how the brothers could vanish and reappear before her in seconds. And she had no desires to test their patience. At least, not after what she's been through.

Gulping down her nervousness, she looked down the path. It was dark but there was blue fire floating down the stairs. She was unsure of what to do. Should she go down or return to her room? In order to find her way back, she would need help and she really didn't want to call for one of them. They would demand more blood when they see her. Besides, the mark of the wall made her curious. Why was there a cross in the mansion? It was the sign of God. A force that vampires don't believe in.

Placing a hand over her heart, she took a hesitant step forward, then another and another. Until she reached the bottom where there was a bright light.

Her surrounding was full of painting and pictures. They all consist of a beautiful woman. She had long blond hair with forest green eyes. There was a smile on every one of them, no matter how faint they were, nonetheless what shocked Yui was the woman appears to be wearing a nun's clothes for some of the pictures while the other paintings looked personal like she was showing that side of her to her loved ones.

Shifting slightly, her eyes locked with a deep pink orb.

"KYA!" she shouted before she could stop herself. How did she not notice him?

The male stared at her with a confused expression. He was very pretty, she noticed. Short but stylish locks of hair reached the nip of the neck with some soft locks of hair falling on his forehead and some to the right side of his face, framing around it. His left side of his strands was braided with a small flower pin holding it back. Her eyes traveled to his eye again and let out a gasp. They were indeed deep pink gems with thick, dark eyelashes surrounding them. However, only one eye was visible as the other was wrapped in bandages. The man had a small face for a male. She noticed the only other accessory he wore was the cross earring dangling from his right ear. His clothes were strange but flashy with dark colors mixed together. Then, finally, she noticed he was pinned to the wall. Literally. Yet to her surprise, there was no blood.

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