◄ Blood V ►

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lim·er·ence | Chapter V

Juri noticed how the brothers have been acting strangely around him. Their eyes would linger on his lips or neck a few seconds longer than necessary. Ayato also seems to have decided on calling Juri 'his'. Which was ridiculous. Juri was no human and he certainly is not one for a relationship such as that.

Juri liked his strictly one-time relationship with his food. Except, the vampire brothers aren't his food. No matter how tempting they are.

Juri pouted, 'it's not fair.'

Unlike humans, vampires age differently and live centuries longer. Feeding on them would make him full for a while and they taste divine. But, Juri wasn't allowed to feed on vampires. Or rather, Juri decided not to feed on them. Because no matter how delectable they are, vampires are too territorial and possessive.

Juri scoffed as if he didn't already have a powerful vampire after him due to his curse of attracting strong creatures of the night. If he could, Juri would take back that day. Then perhaps his lovely lady would still be with him.

Putting that aside, Juri was currently lost. There were so damn many rooms and turns in this mansion. Despite not wanting to use his powers and waste his precise energy, he finally decided to teleport to the kitchen.

He took in the surprisingly clean place as his desire to eat something sweet—once again—grew. For once, he wasn't eager to drain someone dry.

He checked the cabinets to make sure he had all the ingredients. Juri forgot the last time he cooked. It felt like forever. But he still remembers every recipe his lovely lady taught him. Although most of them were deserts. And decades old. So more often than not, Juri purchased his dessert or was given the sweets. Mostly given due to his ever-growing fan-club.

Yet despite the dessert being so old and incompatible to the lastest taste, Juri still made them from time to time. Because it was one of his lovely lady's favorite. Juri could only vaguely remember the first time he tried cake. The look on her beautiful face.

"Heh, so you finally decided to make some takoyaki for Ore-sama."

It didn't take a genius to figure out who it was. Juri merely hummed while stirring the flour in the bowl he found, ignoring Ayato.

"Tch, you should be grateful Ore-sama is even offering you some of his life force." the vampire continued, starting at Juri's back as the incubus still has yet to face him.

Juri paused his stirring and glanced at the male—who was now behind him—before returning to the task at hand. "If I wanted a vampire's life force, there's plenty who are offering." he paused again to turned on the oven for pre-heat before continuing as if he remembered something, "Ah, your brothers included." the beautiful creature recalls how Laito tried to hit on him every chance he got—gets—and well, Kanato willingly offered out of curiosity.

Ayato was angry. No, enraged at the words that came out Juri's sinful lips. "Shut up! You're my toy!" he pulled—or rather, manhandled—Juri's waist so that his back was pressed firmly on Ayato's front. "Don't talk about other guys when you're with me," he whispered in Juri's ear before a vicious bite mark was placed on his earlobe. Not enough to draw blood but enough to leave the indent of his sharp fangs. "or else."

Juri didn't seem to react, which only made the redhead more frustrated towards his indifference. 

Meanwhile, the incubus sighed inwardly. And there it is; Ayato's throwing his infamous tantrum. Then, it all clicked, the reason the male was so strangely attached to Juri. Perhaps Ayato wanted to experiment; the young vampire wanted to see how it felt to have his life force sucked out of him through pleasure.

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