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"Do you like it this way?"

Suguru turned to look at himself in the mirror in his private bathroom and nodded in agreement. You put down the pen with which you marked the spot on his ear and picked up a sharp needle. Placing two fingers on Suguru's jaw, you tilted his head up to see better.

It was the first time you had ever pierced someone's ear, and your hands were a bit sweaty. You were worried about hurting him or that the outcome would not be good. You squinted as you brought the needle closer to Suguru's ear, who was still sitting there, impassive.

You were about to pierce the skin when you felt someone breathing on your neck. A growl escaped your lips in disgust. Satoru was looking over your shoulder, mere millimeters from your head.

"Would you mind not breathing on me? I'm busy." You huffed.

Satoru smiled, ignoring what you just said, and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. "You could make me an earring too. It would look so sexy."

"You said you were afraid of needles." You replied to your friend. This morning, when you were planning this with Suguru, Satoru confessed that he was afraid of needles. No matter how many times you tried, the guy would interpose his Infinity every time you brought the needle close.

"You'll be the center of attention again when we're done, Satoru." Suguru protested in a monotone voice. "Y/n, just do it already."

"It doesn't matter." Added Satoru, "The piercing would steal the attention from my magnificent eyes".

You looked directly at Satoru's opaque glasses with disbelief. As if anyone could see them anyway.

You turned to the raven-haired boy and gently took his earlobe. He didn't move a centimeter, but you noticed he shuddered. You smiled to yourself. Suguru was skilled at hiding his emotions, but after all, he was just human.

You bit your lip as you placed the needle just above the skin. "Breathe and hold your breath. On 3, 2, 1...". You plunged the needle with all your strength until you felt it penetrate the other side of the flesh. Suguru gave no indication that he had noticed anything. The boy brought you the earring he had chosen, and you put it on obediently.

"It's bleeding a little". You whispered as you pressed a bunch of toilet paper on his skin.

Suguru looked at himself in the mirror with his new earring and smiled to himself, satisfied. "Looks great, huh?"

"If you weren't my friend, I'd fuck you in this bathroom right now." Satoru replied, earning a laugh from the other boy. You, however, looked down, slightly disturbed by your friend's obscene comment, and stood on the other side of Suguru with the needle in your hand.

"Come on, I'll do the other one". You said. You made eye contact with the white-haired one for a second and he winked at you. Immediately, you returned your gaze to Suguru's ear, ready to pierce his skin again.

A little later, the three of you were back in your room. Suguru was sitting on the floor, both ears red, and Satoru was lying indifferently on your bed as you searched for something at the bottom of your closet.

"Take this, it will be good for the healing." You said out loud, throwing a bottle of disinfectant solution at him without looking. You heard a soft "puf" when Suguru caught it in the air with one hand.

"Thanks, Y/n". Suguru said with a warm smile.

Your rooms were on the same corridor, wall to wall, but from the first months at school, you had acquired the habit of meeting in the same place every free hour you had. Shoko, the fourth student in your class, was a bit more solitary, but the two boys and you had developed a strong codependency since the first months at school.

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