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He was incredibly handsome. You had arranged to meet at the entrance of a restaurant in the city center, and you held back a sigh when you recognized him among the crowd. Tall, strong, a jawline sharp as a knife, and hair as dark as his eyes. He was exactly like in the photos, and you liked him.

At first, he was chivalrous. He held the door for you with a charming smile and waited for you to sit down first at the table for two. He complimented your appearance, and you appreciated it because you had really made an effort that night. It had been over a month since you had been out with anyone, and you wanted to look good. You were wearing your best dress, the one that accentuated your curves in all the right places, and an elegant makeup that enhanced your feline gaze.

He was equally elegant, but there was an aura about him that didn't fit in that place. Maybe it was those striking features that screamed danger, or the trace of a tattoo that peeked above the collar of his shirt. When you got past the discomfort of the first few moments, you were sure. He was one of the most objectively handsome men you had ever met.

You really liked him, you really did.

But when he spoke, something didn't quite fit. Maybe it was the way he so directly phrased his sentences, or that he had barely commented on anything that didn't have to do with your physical appearance. In fact, he didn't even ask you a single question until after ordering the food, and he just kept talking. Really, was he going to talk that much throughout the whole date? You liked him. Yes, you liked him, he was handsome, he was attractive. But when he finally asked you a question (thank goodness), you realized that you were unable to hear anything you were saying. Your thoughts were far from that restaurant.

"Let me guess, you broke up with your partner recently." You could swear you heard him click his tongue.

"What do you mean?" You asked, confused.

He let out a rough laugh, one that you were sure would melt any girl. He was so attractive that it made you angry, because he was leaving you with no excuses.

"Your mind is somewhere else," he said, unconcerned but also pointing an accusing finger at you. "Are you one of those looking for revenge sex or something?"

"No! No, no, no," you exclaimed. "Nothing could be further from the truth. No, no." Okay, you had to stop denying it or it would start to be ridiculous. "In fact, I haven't dated anyone in years. So it's not-"

"Okay, okay," he cut you off bluntly. Your explanations meant very little to him, although you didn't think he would have cared at all if your intention was really to get revenge on an ex. He was a man, so anything involving sex would have been fine with him. He showed another mocking smile to add, "I hope I'm not boring you too much."

"Of course not," you blatantly lied. "And what about you, how did you end up on a dating app?"

This time, when he laughed, he bit his lip, and it seemed to you like an image worthy of being on the cover of a magazine. And even so, you felt nothing. Not the slightest attraction or flutter. Nothing at all. If a guy like him, sculpted by the gods, didn't provoke anything in you, then there had to be something very, very broken in you.

And you knew perfectly well that that something had a name and last name.

Enough, you scolded yourself. Could you really not stop thinking about him for even one night of your life?

The man in front of you sought your gaze, and you had to make an effort to return all your attention to him for the second time that night.

"It's complicated," he began to explain. Now that you thought about it, what was his name? Oh God, you couldn't remember. He was explaining something to you, but you were unable to concentrate on his words. You simply weren't interested. "...I'm distrustful, you know? I've had relationships before, but they betrayed me. Now I'm careful because if I were with someone... I would hurt them."

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