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The taste of alcohol had never pleased you, but the effect it had on your mind did. It took one, two, or even three glasses of a cheap gin from your favorite bar to quench the dark remorse plaguing your conscience.

You set the thick crystal glass down on the bar with a thud, pointing a couple of fingers at the bartender to tell him to refill your glass. God, how were the others coping with this damn job?

The place you were in was your favorite bar in downtown Tokyo. It was nothing fancy or luxurious, rather the opposite. It had no windows facing the street and the interior lamps were opaque with dirt, giving the place a dark and funereal atmosphere. The clientele that visited it was very varied, but most people came alone to drink, accompanied only by the calm musical line that sounded through the speakers. People like you.

Although most of the time you came alone, you had also visited the bar accompanied by your colleagues from Jujutsu High. Shoko loved to kill time at the bar, as did Nanami, though this bar wasn't clean enough for his strict eye. Satoru had also come quite a few times, but he only drank soda.

The bartender poured the clear liquid from the gin bottle into your glass, and he looked at you with a sharp eye. "How do you feel?" he asked in a raspy voice.

You muttered something under your breath as you hurriedly took a couple of swigs from the glass.

"If you don't take it easy, I'll have to cut it off for you." He warned you in a paternal tone.

You rolled your eyes, but before you could reply, you noticed your phone vibrating in your pocket. You clumsily pulled it out and answered without looking at the name it had written on the screen.


"Can you explain why I've been waiting 30 minutes at the door of your room?" A very familiar voice answered, although you couldn't tell the owner.

"At the door?" You repeated, more to yourself than to the interlocutor.

"Well, okay, I'm inside your room! But where are you? I thought we were meeting for dinner."

Oh. That was Gojo. He had promised you that he would bring you dinner to repay you for the favor, but with everything that had happened that morning, that agreement had been buried in the back of your mind.

"Don't worry, Satoru, I'll be free for dinner." You assured.

There were a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone. That was weird of your friend, was he okay?

"Y/n, it's been dark for a while now. Where are you?"

It was night? You craned your neck to look toward the door of the bar, but there was no way to see the street from inside. You remembered coming straight here after Shoko fixed your ribs, but it couldn't be possible that it was already night. You only had a couple of drinks, right? You weren't sure.

"I'm at the bar. You can come if you want."

Satoru sighed.

"I'll pick you up."

As soon as you hung up the call, the bar door opened, revealing the lanky figure of your childhood friend. How impatient. He must have appeared just down the street from the bar. He had traded his school uniform for a baggy black sweatshirt and was wearing his opaque glasses instead of the blindfold.

A sigh escaped you as he walked towards you, followed by a laugh of astonishment at your own reaction. No matter how much you saw him every day, you didn't get used to his beauty, which always accompanied him in a supernatural halo. You saw him somewhat blurry, that was strange.

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