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Gojo slammed his bedroom door shut and banged his forehead against the wood.

Why did you have to do that? Why in that way? It would have been so easy for him to let go. You had almost thrown yourself on top of him, would it have been so bad if he had kissed you right there?

Yes, of course.

Not only were you drunk and didn't know what you were doing, but it was wrong. Satoru had thought about that moment almost from the moment he met you when you were 15 years old.

"We're friends, it won't mean anything." You said.

Gojo banged his forehead against the door again. Fuck. The man was already aware of it, he didn't need to hear it from your lips as well.

"You're a pity, Satoru." He muttered to himself.




The day Gojo met you, the balance of his world changed.

Even if he didn't realize it at the time.

The first time he saw you, you were walking into your new room. The new students had barely been at school in Tokyo for a day, and you carried a single bag as luggage and your bow and quiver on your back. Satoru chuckled at the image in front of him.

He walked towards you with his hands in his pockets.

"Cursed tools?" He asked you.

You turned in the direction the voice came from and found a boy your own age, quite tall for a fifteen-year-old. You didn't know why, but the tone he had used sounded a little arrogant to you.

At that moment, he would rather die than admit it, but there was something about you that made Satoru's breath catch. The way you were looking at him was making him nervous, which bothered him deeply.

"At least the other first-year boy has a good cursed technique. But don't expect us to babysit you on missions." Satoru added smugly, leaning his back against the hallway wall.

You pursed your lips and looked him up and down again. Satoru felt a cold sweat run down his back. Who the hell were you to make him feel like this?

"What are you even talking about? It's a normal kyudo bow." You answered, pointing to your back.

Gojo frowned and took a closer look at the weapon. The cursed energy he sensed must have been the remains of your own energy. It had to be strong to leave this trail, but it was the only one he felt apart from his own.

"And why can't I feel your energy?" Satoru snapped.

You crossed your arms over your chest. It was clear you weren't enjoying the conversation, which pleased Satoru. He wanted to make you feel as uncomfortable as you made him feel.

"Because, unlike you, I know how to hide it, idiot."

"Well, we'll see in class who has more power." Satoru replied with a predatory grin. He was going to beat the crap out of you whenever he got a chance.

You let out a snort and locked yourself in your room with a slam of the door.

The occasion did not wait.

During the first week of school, the first-year students had the first sparring session, in which Satoru kicked your ass. He knocked you down over and over and over again without you even having the chance of landing a single punch on him.

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