Strategy chapter 3

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" If you attack Saxton head on and split up the troops you could have a smaller group infiltrate the base here" ezra said as he poited to the holo board

They were working on there strategy for battle and it was surprisingly going well.

Ursa nodded

" how small should the force be?" She asked

"2-4 people" kanan answered

" we could sent me and ezra too the south side and surch for there leader" kanan advised

" or just to be sure and safe I could go with kanan and sabine could go with ezra, so there could be a jedi on both sides" Tristan said

" I agree" the jedi said

Ursa nodded

" what about you sabine?you have barely talked" the countess said worry in her voice

"Maby she should show the jedi there quarter? I think she's just tired" Tristan said

Ursa nodded again

" we shall prepare for war in the morning, sabine show the jedi to there rooms please"

Sabine grumbled Tristan was really getting anointing!

" of coarse master jedi follow me" She said

They grabbed there're bags and started for sabine

She came to kanans room first

" will this do master jedi?" She asked

" yes thank you very much" He answered

" of coarse! I'm sending a Droid to help you unpack and get situated it will help you with whatever you need" She explained

He nodded

" night kanan!" Ezra waved

Sabine closed the door

" your room is across from mine" She said

" nice! So I get to see you every morning!"

She blushed and opened his door

" wow this is awsome!" He said

His room was fool of art and was themed of old war

" do you need a droid?" She asked politely

" no thank you, I think I can manage" He said

She watched ad he opened his suitcase, it was going to take him a while to unpack plus he needed sleep

" I can help you " She offered

" You don't have to do that" He said

" I insist! Your my guest ! I'm suppose to be doing all the work"

He smiled at her " thank you" he said sincerely

She sat down next to him and started handing stuff to him for ezra to find a home for.

" when did you join the order?" She asked trying to start the conversation

" when I was 8 my parents were killed by the separatists, kanan found me and took me to the temple. I became a padawean to him and have been ever since" He explained

" oh my! I'm so sorry about your parents" She said softly She didn't want to stirr up sadness in his heart.

" no its fine" He answered

But she could tell he didn't seem fine.

" enough about me, what about you? Is it cool to be a princess of mandalor?" He asked

She growned

" it's miserable, I'm always being told what to do and how to live my life, I want my freedom." Sabine Said

" I guess we have more in commen then I thought! Who know!" He said with a chuckle

But she dident smile

He frowned his brows creased with consern what did I say! Idiot bridger! He thought

He sat on the floor next to her

" I'm sorry did I say somthing wrong?" He asked trying ro meet her eyes

She shook her head " no, it's not you your amazing" She said

But then blusheded relizing her mix-up

Ezras cheeks darkened. But he continued to look at her with consern
" If you want to talk about somthing you can, I won't jude" the jedi said

" i-its my father" She said

Ezra emediatly stopped

He had honestly just assumed she dident have one at all

He reached a hand to her and she took it. Needing confert

" a few weeks ago he was captured by the Saxton clan. We don't know if he survived" Sabine said. Tears started to slip down her cheek

He looked at her and without thinking, pulled the future countess into a hug

She hugged him back and sobbed on his shoulder

" Sabine, I promise if he is alive me and kanan will find him and rescue him" ezra promised

She looked up at him and smiled " thank you ezra bridger" She said and imbraced him again

Okey.. another short chapter.. I'm going to try to update this frequently, so pleaseeeeee vote and comment

One week till ahsoka!!!!!!

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