A rebels ending part; one chapter 10

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Sabine entered the great halls with excitement bubbling in her stomach. She hasn't been to a party in forever!

She spotted her mother and swiftly walked up to her

" my dear! You look gorgeous!" Ursa complimented when she saw her daughter dress

Sabine was wairing a dark blue top that was cut at her belly and wore a long deep orange skirt bellow

Sabine forced a smile

" i personally prefer not to wair clothes that show my skin!" She seamed to grumble

Ursa giggled

" but don't you want to impress bridger?" She asked

Sabines jaw dropped

'' mother!" She scolded like she was a child

Ursa stooped " wait. Did ezra not talk to you yet?" The countess asked suddenly confused

" about what?" Sabine replied puzzled

Ursa facepalmed

" never mind!" She grumbled

Sabine laughed and walked away from her mother and bumped into Tristan

" hey! You don't look horrible!" She complimented

Tristan rolled his eyes " how nice of you"

" soo you have a date?" She asked

Tristan flushed " maby" He wispered

Sabine beamed

" is it that phoenix!? I always new you liked her!" The future countess exclaimed

Phoenix was the daughter of satine kryze rightfully ruler to the throne. After satine died her sister bo katan rased the girl like she was her own.

Sabine and Phoenix met then they were toddlers and were best friends ever since. As they grew so did Tristans feelings for the girl. He would rant to sabine about his fantasys of her in his dreams and would always feel apart of him was missing when she wasent there.

Tristen rubbed his neck " maby" He wispered again

As if on que a Girl with orange and red hair joined them

" phoenix ! So good to see you again!" Sabine Said and gave her friend a hug

" i see Tristan asked you for a date?" The artist asked mischievously

Phoenix blushed " well..we kind of went as friends..." the golden girl started

" friends with benefits?" Sabine added and laughed

They laughed along nervously with her

" Tristan I want to talk to 'phee'can you go find ezra?" Sabine asked

" sure sis. When I find him ill be sure to tell your night in shining armor that he is missed by his princess" Tristan said and escaped the conversation to begin his search

" soo you have a date to?" Phoenix asked

Sabine sighed " it's complicated"

Phoenix nodded " I understand"

" I need to ask you a question" Sabine asked as she walked out to the balcony away from the party

Phee nodded nervously

" I know this is going to sound crazy, but do you love my brother?" She asked

Phoenix gasped " like a friend?" She blushed

Sabine shook her head

" love is hard. You don't just say it to anyone. The person has to meen the world to you, and even then it's hard.. besides I don't think Tristan likes me like that anyway. We have known each other for ever" Phoenix spoke

Sabine nodded

" I have been facing the same thing" Sabine admitted

" oh? How so?" Phoenix asked

" so my father was captured and needed help so my mom asked the jedi from corasont to help. At first I was angry about it but then we met them and all of that washes away" She started

" who are you and what have you done with sabine wren?" Her friend joked Sabine chuckled

" I sware when they existed the ship I was drenched! He was like drop dead hot!" Sabine demanded and blushed madly at her comment

Phoenix coudent stop herself from laughing

" Sabine wren? The head strong Mando Sabine. came in a puddle when she saw how hot this jedi was?!" She teased

Sabine laughed along with her

" when we were younger you would littery never talk to boys, you hated them!" Phoenix exclaimed

Sabine shrugged

" well when a hot ripped jedi walked into your life suddenly that dosent matter" Sabine retorted " well.. what does he look like?" Phoenix asked

Sabine eyes dilated just thinking about him and she let out a lustful sigh

" so Sabine isent just in love. She's horny to" Phoenix laughed

Sabine gasped and punched her arm

" I'm not horny!" She grumbled. Though she dident belive her own words

" anyway! As I was about to say. Ezra was the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. It's a different color but it just makes it more beautiful."

" what color is it?" Phee asked

" dark blue" Sabine shrugged and continued

" i haven't been able to see much of his skin. But he's ripped! His training must pay of.." the artist suggested

Phoenix smiled as she described ezra. Her friend was never like this and she really liked the change

" and oh my force his eyes! His eyes alone.. they are the most royal blue you ever did see and have like 50 shades of sapphire in them!" She said recolling her memory

" Sabine wren I think your in love!" Phoenix squealed

Sabine sighed " but like you said. I just Met him. How do I know he's the one?" She asked for advice

Phoenix smiled in understanding

" every relationship is different. Me and Tristan have known each other since we were born so it's hard to say we love each other when we're so close. But you just met ezra and your already head over heels. You have never! ever! Been like that for anyone. I think he's the one for you" Phoenix reassured

Sabine gave her a friendly smile

" thanks phee I needed to here that" Sabine said and gave her friend a hug

They broke the imbrace and looked at the door

" you ready?" She asked

" as I'll ever be!" Sabine Said and they reentered the room

Part 2 out soon! Phoenix was a last minute thing but I coudent let Tristan be without a lover...Anyway please vote and comment!

God bless

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