A rebel ending part 2: chapter 11

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Sabine looked around at the room decorated before her. It was onestly weird for the young mando to see her house like this.

Anytime they ever had guest's was because of another war. Or a member of the capital senate.

Sabine spotted ezra almost emediatly. Sabine blushed as she checked him out.

He had put on a dark blue tux and somehow Been able to pull his hair back into a short braid

Phoenix giggled as she Watched her friend litterly drool at the sight of this jedi

Ezra spotted her and almost emediatly ran up to her,

" bine! You look amazing!" He complimented. and he wasn't lieing. She had more skin showing then she usually did and was he turned on just thinking about it !

Ursa did tell me not to wait to long to have kids... Ezra thought
but quickly dismissed it. Picturing Sabine naked was not going to help his problem.

" thanks ez! You clean up nice to" She said with pink cheeks

Ezra gave her a warm smile

Phoenix coughed quite loudly trying to get there attention.

" Sabine! Care to introduce me to your date here?" She asked

Sabine hissed and stepped on her foot. Phoenix yelped and glared at sabine

" this is ezra bridger" Sabine said and patted ezras chest to prove her point ( much to both of there surprises)

" and ezra bridger this is Phoenix kryze" Sabine introduced

" Tristans date" She added in a wisper

Ezra laughed

Phoenix blushed and hit sabines arm

" ow!" She winied

The countess broke there talk as she walked over to sabine

" Sabine I need you to start the dance!" Ursa exclaimed grabbing her shoulders and shaking them

" hold on a minute! It's Tristans turn to do that!" Sabine grumbled

" well I can't find your brother at the moment!" Ursa said with rage

" I saw him head out side to the gardens a few minutes ago" ezra told the countess and jestured to the balcony Sabine and Phoenix had just left

" why did he leave?" Phoenix asked trying to cover her worrie for her friend with confusion

" i-i don't know" Ursa admitted

" Okey! I'll go find Tristan. Sabine ezra start the dance!" Phoenix demanded and jogged out side to find her lover

" we can do this!" Sabine told ezra and took his hand, leading him to the dance floor

Ezra blushed and sabine faced him.

" you can dance right?" She asked

He sighed " I'm a fast learner?"

" it's Okey I'll just teach you as we go" She said

Ursa had caught the crouds attention by firing her blaster

" today we honor the return of my husband! And the help of the jedi Ezra bridger and kanan jerus!"

Everyone cheared

" my daughter shall begin the dance" the countess said

Ezra gulped

" put your hand on my shoulder and hip" She wispered to the jedi

He obligated and placed his hands were he was told

The enemy of my enemy is my friend  (A sabezra story)Where stories live. Discover now