The truth: chapter 12

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Phoenix ran threw the mirky forest as fast as her legs would carry her.

She still dident know where she was going,and it dident help knowing she could be being followed

The girl turned a bend hoping it would be the last one.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she sees a ship about 300 meters away from her.

She continues to run,faster this time picking up her pace. As she nears the shuttle she stops briefly thinking she herd somthing but ignores it and enters the shuttle

She closeses the door behind her so no animals could attack her.

Phoenix sat down in the piolets seat

She found there holo table and quickly turns it on

" who is this?" A voice asks

" Phoenix kryze daughter of satine." She answered

" do you need somthing lady kryze? This is not a channel you shkukd be usingn" It askes again

" I was told to contact ven rou. The wren stronghold was attacked by bounty hunters!" She said

Phoenix saw three more people enter the chamber

" my name is mace windu we sent two of our jedi to help these mandos. What happened?" The jedi asked

" i- I don't exactly know. Me and my friend were strolling in the gardens when all if a sudden 2 bounty hunters apeard out of know were!" She explained

" did you catch there names?" Mace asked

" I did. I recognized one of them. Boba fett he tried to bring me to the separatists after my mother was killed"

A new head appeared out of know where

" who was your mother?" The male asked

Phoenix wanted to roll her eyes I just answered that question!

" satine kryze" She said

The man gasped

'" satine! Was your mother!?" He asked almost yelling

" ya? Is there a problem with that!" She said.
why were these people so nosey!

" no! I just.. did you know your father?" He asked

Phoenix growled " that is none of your business master jedi!" She spat

" I'm sorry lady..kryze. I was just confused. You see I was good friends with your mother" He said

Mace and the othere jedi looked at him trying to hold in a laugh

The jed pulled of his hood

" I am obi-wan kenobi at your service" He said

The ship sabine was placed on rocked like crazy. She was placed on cuffs and was sat on the floor. Guards standing well guard outside of the door

I dident know what maul wanted with me but I new it was nothing good. She was more confused why they hadent taken ezra with them also. Of coarse she was happy he was still free. But he was the one with the vision. Plus he had said maul was looking for both of them..

How did he even know who maul was?!

That was a question she hoped she would be able to ask him later.

I hope Phoenix is okey the Mando girl thought remembering she hadent been in the room when it was attacked.

Her thoughts drifted back to ezra

The enemy of my enemy is my friend  (A sabezra story)Where stories live. Discover now