Missing Cole(Post S1 Dragons Rising)

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"Hey? What're you doing out here Kai?" Lloyd asked walking up behind the Fire Ninja.

When his friend didn't respond, he looked where he looked, the stars and the moons in the sky.

"Not even the skies are normal... nothing is... and nothing ever will be..." Kai whispered.

"Okay, something's clearly bothering you, Kai, you can tell me," Lloyd said as he put a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"He used to say the same thing... he always listened... he always cared..." Kai's fists clenched as his chin quivered.


Kai looked down as he tried not to cry, "We're still missing some of the family..."

Lloyd frowned as Kai closed his eyes, trying to keep tears from falling.

"They're out there somewhere, Kai."

"I haven't heard his voice in so long... his comforting and soothing voice..." Kai choked out.

Lloyd grimaced as he finally figured out who Kai was talking about.

"You'll see Cole again Kai."

"You don't know that! He could be... hurt or... worse..." Kai sobbed as he put his head in his hand.

Lloyd touched Kai's shoulder, but he recoiled.

"Just leave me alone Lloyd, tell Nya to not even try to make sure I'm alright, the only thing she cares about is Jay, Cole means nothing to her..." Kai snapped before walking away.


Kai sighed as he approached the Monastery, he had his elemental ability back, he should be happier, he and Skylor had parted ways, and now, something was missing, it was a smaller feeling when with her, but now it felt like a gaping hole in his chest.

Kai curled in on himself until he reached the doors, and opened them.

Zane was there, along with Pixal, Lloyd, and Wu.

They smiled at Kai.

"Kai!" Lloyd cheered as he ran and hugged the Fire Ninja, "You came back!"

"Yeah, of course I did, I just needed to find my missing spark," Kai chuckled as he ignited his hand.

"You have found your spark again indeed," Wu commented as Zane greeted Kai with a smile.

Pixel waved.

"It is good to see you again brother," Zane said, and Kai laughed.

"You too Tin Can."


Kai flexed his hands reflexly and drowned in his despair, he didn't know why the hole in his chest felt so much bigger.

Zane had come back a day ago, newly refreshed and he had fully forgiven himself, and Kai came back a few hours ago.


The Ninja looked up at the sound of his name, Lloyd was calling to him, and Kai walked outside to see Jay and Nya being greeted, the hole felt slightly smaller at his sister's presence, but it still hurt.

"Hey sis, hi Jay," Kai welcomed, and Nya embraced him tightly.

"I heard you got your element back, good job," Nya complimented, and Kai nodded at her in thanks, he waved at Jay, who smiled at him smugly .

"Oh, come on, are you not going to greet me?" Jay teased, and Kai shook his head.

"Whatever..." Kai said, and after that, Kai couldn't go back inside, he wanted to wait, he just felt so empty.

And he felt tired, maybe it wouldn't hurt to close his eyes for a second.


"Kai? What are you doing? It's like 65 degrees out here, I get you're Master of Fire and all, but if you get a cold, don't blame me," Kai's amber eyes opened, and he saw green irises staring back at him.

"C-Cole?" Kai whispered.

"You okay, Kai?" another voice asked.

Kai was finally able to focus in front of him, and he was disappointed, it was Lloyd.

"I'm fine, just was tired," Kai said to Nya, who was next to the Green Ninja.

Kai stood up, ignoring his little brother and sister's stares.

Kai cast one longing look at the doors of the Monastery, before walking to the living room and sitting on the couch, it was nearly ten p.m and Kai fell asleep outside around five, now he just felt sad again.

Kai heard something shuffle into the room, he ignored it.

"Well, at least some things never change, do they Kai?" a voice said, it sounded so familiar, but it also sounded muffled.

A soft warm familiar hand caressed his cheek, running to his head.

"At least you aren't sick you jerk, because you look completely out of it."

Kai's eyes blinked open for a brief second, before sliding shut and he buried his head into the soft hand.


Kai woke, the familiar presence gone, he was in his bed, not on the couch, someone must've moved him, probably Lloyd or Nya.

The Ninja got up to his feet and stretched his sore body, that fight with the snakes had him tired, and he'd been sleeping for a while, it looked like it was almost noon.

Kai sighed sadly, the feeling on dread filling the hole in his stomach.

Kai walked out of his room, to here people cheering with joy.

Kai looked outside and his heart skipped a beat.

"Cole?" Kai choked out, and the others turned to him, and his chest swelled, there were a few dark bruises along Cole's arms and one on his face.

Cole smiled as he turned to him.

"Hey Kai," Cole greeted casually, and yelped when there was suddenly arms around him in the blink of an eye.

Kai hugged Cole fiercely, letting out shallow breaths so he didn't cry.

Cole smiled sympathetically as he returned the hug.

"I missed you too," Cole whispered, and Kai hugged him tighter, fearing his best friend would disappear when he let go.

"Would you excuse us?" Cole asked the others politely, and they all nodded with smiles.

Cole lifted Kai off the ground with ease and brought him to Cole's room.


Kai let out a sob as he sat on the roof of the Monastery.

They talked a lot that day, they were inseparable, and Kai refused to leave Cole's side again, until they were separated again, and the thought made Kai tighten his grip around his legs.


Kai remembered how they went to the mission, thinking it'd just be another days work.

Cole had smiled at Kai, and put his hand on his shoulder, and that was the last time he really saw him, before the merge and they were all separated.

Kai woke up, and he rubbed his head, he was on an island of some sort.

"Ugh, where am I? Cole? Lloyd!?" Kai called out, he had no idea where he was.

"Cole!?" Kai cried out, where were the others, that mission, were they all separated?

Kai remembered everything, he found the bounty on the same island he woke up on, and no one was there, and honestly, he thought he may've been the last ninja alive, that thought caused him a few panic attacks.

Cole couldn't be dead, he just couldn't be.


Kai sobbed as his breath quickened.

He was terrified, he missed Cole, after so many close calls, Cole was always there, he always comforted him.

But now he was gone, maybe for good.

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