Restored Spark

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And they did, they hung out a lot more after that, they were inseparable and you would always see them together.

Kai smiled at the fond memories as he walked into his room and picked up his old phone, it somehow managed to stay with the Monastery through the merge, and he scrolled through the old pictures of him and Cole.

"Hey? Kai?" Arin called as he peeked around the corner of Kai's door.

Kai turned to him, putting the phone away.

"Um, Lloyd said you were upset, and my parents used to always tell me it was good to talk about your feelings to help you feel better, and Lloyd said to leave you alone, but I wanted to help, and when he said you were upset about the missing ninja, I thought I could help you vent, and you don't have to but-"

"Okay, calm down, you're going to make my brain explode, sure, you can help me, but just until I say you should go to sleep," Kai said with a sad smile, and Arin smiled brightly.

Arin walked up and Kai let him sit next to him on the bed.

"What were you doing when I walked in?" the kid asked, and Kai chuckled.

"Just some pictures of me and Cole."

"Lloyd's mentioned Cole a few times, like when he was explaining what it's like to have elemental powers and how it's different for everyone, Cole could feel it in his guts, but I don't really know much about you guys' personal lives, what was Cole like?"

Kai smiled at the thought of Cole explaining awkwardly how he feels his powers, he'd always slump down and caress his belly with a funny face and deep voice.

And then Kai would say that the only thing he feels in his guts is cake.

"Cole could sometimes be a literal rock, he was always the grounding one of us all, he's perfect for his element, he caring, and generous, and never lets anyone of us feel bad about ourselves... he was my best friend... and I miss him a lot, we were inseparable, we were never apart... mostly after the Oni attack," Kai explained, and Arin shivered.

"Yeah, that was scary, I was in the city, I was one of the people that..."

"You don't have to explain, Cole almost was too, and we all thought he was gone, but in the Final battle, he saved us, saved me, and we were never apart again, even when Prime Empire happened, we didn't leave each other, even when we died in the game. I guess the only time we were really apart was when we all went to Shintaro and Cole... was separated from me... I thought I lost him again... and when he was fighting the Skull Sorcerer, I saw when he was being beat... I couldn't help him, but things turned out alright, and Cole was happy."


Kai's determination spiked as he stood up, the blanket left his shoulders, he extended his hands.

Grunting as he reached further into himself, he couldn't fail these people, they were struggling so much even with their fire, he had to restore their hope, he had to.

Kai felt his power leave him as his hand lit on fire and so did the wood, Kai began to falter, only to be supported by the Earth Ninja, who held his arm and back.

"I-I did it," it was almost a question as the village began to cheer 'Fire Maker'.

"You sure did!" Nya cheered as she and Lloyd stood up.

"Just listen to them!" Lloyd added as the village cheered 'Fire Maker'.

Kai was still being supported by Cole, even as Kai was able to gain the strength to stand on his own.


Cole still had Kai in his arms as he helped him walk to their bunk.

"Cole, you can let go, I can walk fine on my own," Kai chuckled as he took Cole's hand.

"I know, but I'm just so proud of you! You got your powers back!" Cole cheered wholeheartedly as he hugged Kai and twirled him around.

"I'm not useless anymore..." Kai whispered under his breath.

"You never were!" Cole snapped as he took Kai's face into his hands, he could see the small tears pricking his eyes, he knew he could, "You were never useless, who saved Lloyd in an erupting volcano? Who just restored hope in an entire village? And took care of his little sister when his parents went missing?" Cole asked, and Kai looked down, Cole usually always took charge when they were without Lloyd, and he was always the voice of reason.

"But, you've actually lost someone close to you, you've gone through so many trials, like becoming a ghost, heck I completely forgot about you! And you got new powers that you can control without a sweat, you're the strongest on this team, except for maybe Lloyd!" Kai sobbed, and Cole wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Yeah, I am, and have, but you just can't seem to see your own self worth, you remembered me, right? You thought your parents were dead for so long? You faced your fear of the water and save Lloyd from drowning!"

"But that could've gotten you killed! Plus, my parents are actually alive! I could've remembered you too late, you could've been lost forever!" Kai cried out.

Cole grabbed Kai's arms almost too aggressively, as he pulled him closer.

"You don't need to prove that you matter, because you always will, no matter what, you're so important to me, and I care about you, you may not be able to see that you are worthy of love, but I can, because I love you, because I have seen you grow so much these past several years, because you matter!" Cole said as he hugged his dearest friend, and the Fire Ninja hugged him back, sobbing into his shoulder.

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