You think you're a man, but you're only a boy

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"Who's this guy?" Matt Welsh was extremely confused. He thought Luis was taking a break from the dating scene, but he was obviously wrong. Why is he so promiscuous? Why can't he have at least one night without some stranger warming his bed?

"That's none of your business." Luis said, annoyed with his obsessive ex who can't let go.

"It is, Luis. Remember all of the things I know about you. I could ruin you."

Ben was obviously caught in something he wasn't supposed to be a part of. He just wanted a good fuck.

"Let me remind you of something, Matt. You're a well known right wing influencer and you're telling me I'm the one who should be worried?"

"You two should probably leave before I call someone." Matt was hiding something under his pants.

"Oh yeah? And who will you call and why?"

"My republican buddies who I will lie to about you seducing me."

Suddenly, it all clicked for Ben. Right wing influencer? Sounds familiar to him. Luis didn't want him because of his attractiveness or because he was special. He probably had some sick fetish on right wing influencers and wanted to persuade him to follow his sick fantasies.
Does he want him to whisper The Constitution while they fuck? That, honestly, sounded really hot to Ben if he was being completely honest.

Suddenly, Matt's voice broke down Ben's thoughts.

"But I didn't came here alone, Luis. There's others wanting revenge upon the damage you've done to us. You think you know everything, Luis. You think you're so smart, so sexy, you think that every man wants to sleep with you and that you're immune to justice. You think you're a man but you're only a boy."

"Who followed you here?" Asked Luis, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"I did." Said a voice in the closet. Someone must've hidden there.

And out of the closet came none other than Jordan Peterson.

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