Chapter Two

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*LaMarcus Aldridge first date with Tim Duncan*

After the game,

LaMarcus goes out on a date with Tim Duncan and they were planning to watch a movie together. Yet, they decided to eat dinner at the food court before the movie starts. However, they were having a conversation together because Tim had to admit to LaMarcus that he's been getting to know him quite a while since he was traded to San Antonio Spurs.

Tim Duncan: LaMarcus we've been getting to know each other quite a while and I've been feeling a special connection with you.

LaMarcus Aldridge: oh wow, do you really mean that?

Tim Duncan: yeah because I always wanted to be involved in a romantic relationship with you and I never met someone who would soon become my ideal girlfriend.

LaMarcus Aldridge: I can see that Tim.

Tim Duncan: you know LaMarcus, I really wanted to ask you something?

LaMarcus Aldridge: What is it?

Tim Duncan: I know this is way too early but will you be my girlfriend?

LaMarcus Aldridge: Yes of course! 🤩

The two men hugged each other. In fact, LaMarcus felt so honored to have Tim Duncan as his boyfriend and yet, they decided to plan some family meeting after the movie. Later on, they went to the movie theater to watch Jenny's wedding in which they could picture themselves that one day that he and Tim will get married and have kids on their own. When they were watching a romantic movie in the theater together, Tim holds LaMarcus' hand and kisses it. LaMarcus smiles seeing the face of Tim Duncan placing a kiss on the hand.

LaMarcus Aldridge: I love you Tim.

Tim Duncan: I love you too LaMarcus.

~ 2 hours later ~

They went to the Aldridge residence which is not very far away from the Spurs home court. Yet, LaMarcus brought Tim Duncan in the house to introduce himself to the Aldridge Family. "Mom Dad, there's someone I'd want you guys to meet," LaMarcus tells his parents that he brought Tim Duncan in. "Hi Guys!" Tim Duncan waved at the Aldridge Family.

Mrs. Aldridge: Hi there I'm Georgia, you can call me Mrs. Aldridge:

Mr. Aldridge: I'm Marvin.

LaVonte Aldridge: Hello Tim Duncan I'm LaVonte Aldridge nice to meet you.

Tim Duncan: It's nice to meet you all.

Mrs. Aldridge: why don't you come join us for a family talk, you and LaMarcus are going to have something in common.

He and Tim were at the family table and asked what were they do in their spare time. Yet, Tim explains to them that he wanted to take LaMarcus Aldridge out on dates and they were planning on going on vacation together after the NBA seasons. Yet, they wanted to go to Paris and the whole family of the Aldridge is coming with them. Not only that, LaMarcus was telling them that Kawhi Leonard is pregnant with the first baby and they were engaged. He paused for a moment to let them know. "So Mom, I was telling you something that Kawhi Leonard is expecting his first child with Danny Green and they're going to get married on the first week of December," "What?" His mother gasped in surprise. "Are you serious right now LaMarcus?" "Yes mom and he said that we are welcome to attend his wedding," everyone in the Aldridge family were excited. "That's amazing! Tell him to send out some invitations," She replied. "Because we would love to go," "Of course Mom," He laughed. "You know this is going to be a special day for the two of them and then they'll be having a gender reveal. I'm not sure when but I'll see what Kawhi Leonard says," "Okay, let me know when LaMarcus," She said. After having a family conversation, LaMarcus and Tim Duncan were going upstairs in the bedroom AKA LaMarcus Aldridge's bedroom.

At this time,

LaMarcus and Tim Duncan were seen snuggling in bed together while they were watching TV. Somehow, LaMarcus Aldridge started laughing while reading the K-pop fanfics.

Tim Duncan: What's the matter babe?

LaMarcus Aldridge: it's nothing, I was laughing my head off because they were having too much hot moments in their parents' bedroom.

Tim Duncan: what? Who in the right mind would do that? 🤣

LaMarcus Aldridge: I don't know babe but I'm guessing that's what they do. Although, it's a good fanfic

Tim Duncan: I see.

LaMarcus Aldridge: let's see what's in there.

He looks up the K-pop mpreg fanfics. However, there were some painful birth scenes. He read the part when Taehyung went in labor with his baby and dang! The pushing part really hurts.

Tim Duncan: that's going to be you when we plan to have a baby together.

LaMarcus Aldridge: babe no 😂. I know it would be me.

After reading the K-pop fanfiction. LaMarcus Aldridge and Tim Duncan both fell asleep.

LaMarcus Aldridge & Tim Duncan: The San Antonio Spurs RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now