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"From the subterranean ore of memory we extract the jeweled visions of our future"
-Miguel de Unamuno

"I can't believe I got dragged into this..." Grim grumbled under his breath as he is now fully awake and aware of what is happening, but every one just ignored him "So this is the Dwarfs' mine....A long time ago these were flushed with magestones" the blue haired kid mentioned with such fascination, it was then the red haired one jumped up into realization and pointed at me "Wait a minute, who the fuck are you in the first place?!" I almost glared at him but kept my cool and answered his question "I'm M/n L/n and the only thing you need to know is that for as long as I'm here, I'll be watching over Grim and Yuu"

He rolled his eyes at my statement "Whatever, why did the principal make you go with us?" I looked at him with a dead look in my eyes "Aren't you just a dangerously curious thing?" He ignored my remark and just asked his question again "Cause he doesn't need any dead bodies now" Yuu's eyes seem to lightened up as they looked at me with a curious look "Oh yeah, M/n why were you like a zombie back there?"

I looked at them confused "Cause I am one?" they all looked at me deadpanned before laughing, some even doubling over from how hard they're laughing "N-No seriously they ha-have a point, how did u make that look real?" the red haired guy mentioned between breaths, wheezing a bit. I looked at them a bit pissed as even Grim was shaking a bit "I'm not joking" silence then fell over as quickly as those words came out of my mouth. Their eyes wide and smiled stuck from the laughter before they all yell and stepped back "H-How?!" I shrugged "My mom is a zombie and my dad is a human mage. My ancestors were heavy believers that the Corpse Bride should've married the human, so as part as tradition; a zombie or human from the family must marry another of the opposite race. This tradition of course wore down over the years and you can marry whoever you want but mother and father carried it on"

I shrugged as I look to the side with an unamused look "So long story short, they married, honeymooned or non filtered fucked, I got born and am part half-human half-skeleton/zombie or dead. I'm one of five in my family that is like this" I shook my head before my eyes hardened as I looked at all of them "But that's besides the point, we're here to get a magestone so you guys don't get expelled"

They seemed to snap out and nod, as the redhead looks over towards his right "Maybe we could go to that house over there. See if someone could help us"  Everyone had a non-verbal agreement has we all walked over there, taking our time since the walk isn't that far. Once we reached the door, I extend my arm to knock but as soon as I touch it, it creaks open so we all just look inside

"Helloooo? Anyone home?" bluehead yells out as we all slowly enter into the cottage, looking around to see only dust and webs "Man, this place sure looks abandoned" Yuu muttered out under their breath as they slightly shiver "and cold..." "ACHOO!! Th' dust in here is almost deadly!" Grim says as he shoves his face into my chest, slightly leaning his face in even more when he found a small pocket hole in my uniform "Look how small the furniture is, did children live here?" redhead asked as he looked around the room

Raising his hand and counting "One, two..." he yelped in surprise "Seven?! It's like a clown car here!" "Back then when the mines were flourishing, this house must've been lively" bluehead muttered out loud as the read head sighs in boredom? Disappointment? who knows "This is getting us nowhere. If we wanna have any chance in finding that magestone, we need to enter the mines"

I nodded as I held the door open with my foot "He has a point. We're burning time just standing around, let's head to the mines" everyone except Grim and I nodded as we left and went to the entrance of the mines

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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