Why can't they

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Why can't they accept me as  I am,

Why can't they accept the fact that I'm fucking bi,

Why can't they accept the fact that I don't want kids,

Why can't they accept that I will never change mmy opinion on that,

Why can't they accept that I want to be a vegeterian,

Why can't they accept that forcing me to eat meat will not change that,

Why can't they accept the way that if I don't feel wanted somewhere or with someone I
will not go at this place or with that person,

Why can't they accept I don't feel wanted anywhere and that's why I can't go out,

Why can't they accept that I'm against racism, sexism, homophobia,transphobia and biphobia,

Why can't they accept that I'm not their fucking slave,

Why can't they accept that I want to spend time with them,

Why can't they accept that I feel ugly,

Why can't they accept that when
I disappoint them because I don't want to do something by telling me they are crushing my heart,

Why can't they accept the fact
that seeing my body make me want to throw up,

Why can't they accept the fact that when they tell me that a can't do something make me anxious,

Why can't they accept that I feel unwelcolmed in my fucking house, in my own family,

Why can't they accept the fact that if they tell me to, I don't know, do laundry because they have no underwear left over wise when they are on the couch doing nothing they can do it themself because I have  so much things left to do

Why can't my mom go with me  choose my new  glasses before school start because I don't see anything with my glasses right now,

Why can't they  let me color my hair when my sister at my age had color her hair at least three times,

Why can't they replace my godmother when my sister  changed three times her godmother,

Why can't my sister keep her promises but blame me when I don't keep mine,

I know it's kinda childish but I had to take my emotions out a way or another.


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