IV. The Plan

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"So, you're family's last name is really Raizl but since you're the royal family, you have to disregard it? That's understandable."

Xander watched her chew her cookie with her legs folded in the cushioned seat. It's mid-afternoon and they decided to indulge themselves with freshly baked cookies which Xander stole from the kitchens. He chuckled to himself when she finally felt self-conscious. She rolled her eyes and adjusted herself to sit properly. "Well, the Raizls have always been the chosen family to inherit the throne. If the main branch happened not to have a suitable male successor, we'll have to opt for another branch. In any case, the king'll always be a Raizl by legality." Claire nodded, "I assume that we already have an heir considering that you're doing the dirty work. Is this the reason why you chose to marry me despite all of the possible mounts of marriage matches your council gave you?"

"You can say that. Besides, it's been two years since I had my council moving."

Claire's eyes got wide. An inactive council for a very powerful man? She bit another piece of cookie and paused for some thought. "Didn't your grandmother told you to marry me, as well?" He eyed her and smirked, "I almost didn't choose you. Well, I already have been hailed as the headstrong son of the royal throne, I might as well uphold it." She snorted and he stared at her closely until she gave out laughter. He smiled in confusion, "What?" She cleared her throat and replied with a smile, "Well, that makes the both of us as trouble children, huh?" He grinned. Amazing.

It's been three days since they officially met. While the revelation was revolting, she managed to adjust to his behavior and she must admit, he's not so bad but she'll definitely still prefer her brother as the best male companion. He's been pushy and needy and flirty but nothing too extreme. Come to think of it, he's been on his best behavior. She watched him eat his cookies the most graceful of ways, though not that neat. How fascinating.

"Yes, m'lady? Anything I can humor you with?"

He smirked as he watched her cheeks redden. God, why is she so... cute? She shook her head and averted her eyes towards the window. Silence enveloped the two of them. Claire noticed his eyes trailing on everything she does. She blinked and gave him an awkward smiled. He chuckled and combed his hands through his hair. She felt her cheeks get warmer. Dammit, hot weather.

"So, Clara, I heard you have a brother? Why don't you tell me about your heritage?"

She smiled and responded, "Very well, your highness." She sipped on her pineapple juice (Is it related to pine cones?) and started, "My family has always lived in the majestic mountains near the north boarders of Chelle. My bloodlines have lorded the area for centuries. I am the forty-seventh daughter of the household, considering that my heritage usually births sons. This is exactly why I acted upon myself to fulfill my grandmother's wishes to marry you, your highness." She paused and looked at his reaction. He hesitantly stated, "Well, is this also why you're not really good with information, too? I mean, people usually recognize the Blanilian royal sigil anywhere." She blushed and glared at him, "My father is a high general as well as an earl but he usually leaves the political education to my brother." He nodded. That's common for a country as traditional as Chelle, too. He sipped on his tea and looked at her to signal for her to continue.

"Though, I also studied a bit of politics myself. I just didn't find your country that interesting. I didn't think that any political or diplomatic ties between both countries that beneficial enough. The mountainous regions of Chelle and the tropical Blanilia. Why Blanilia, though? There are island countries that are closer to us."

Xander watched as her mind's bolts and nuts worked. He smirked. She really is something. All for the country's honor, huh? Claire turned to him and asked, "What do you think about this arrangement, too? Why did you respond to my grandmother's marriage arrangement?" The prince placed his thumb on his chin and answered, "All of the marriage matches were all for political gain. I find that boring. We already have my brother for that. I am born for the dirty work, not the shiny lights of the court. Besides, I heard about Chelle and your wonderful falls... and beautiful red-heads" He winked at her and she chuckled. "Have I mentioned how pretty you are?" She raised a brow, "Nope, I'm not going to give you my last piece of cookie." He stood and sat beside her in the love seat she's occupying, "Nope?" She nodded, "No." He crossed his arms and eyed the last cookie in the plate on the coffee table. "But, you're going to marry me. You have to feed me." She glared at him, "The chefs will feed you, as well as I don't need you to take care of me."

"You've never had a boyfriend before, huh?"

Claire's eyes got wide and sputtered, "W-what? What is wrong with you!?" He smirked, "Exactly the reaction I was anticipating." She gave him a sharp look and grabbed the cookie. "'Goodbye, dear cookie,' for you, man-whore." His eyes got wide as she swallowed it whole. "You are a horrible eater! Cookies should be given respect." She munched on it and momentarily stuck her tongue to him.


"Honey, I received a scroll from the palace!"

Xander proceeded to knock on her door. "Honeeeeeeeey. Open up, open up." Then, he just proceeded to sing a traditional song for the arrival of a royal, earning second-takes from the servants. "Hey, you're cute. Are you one of the new servants?" He gave one of the maids an overly-charming smile and the door opened. "Yes, she is and honey, what did I tell you about fidelity? Castration or beheading?" Xander waved the group of servants off and faced the fresh and hair-still-wet Claire. "You get jealous easily," as he let himself in and sat on her bed. "Are you sure about this room, though, Claire? It's... too small." She rolled her eyes, "You've asked me that everyday for two weeks now, your highness. I love the view from the veranda." He gave her a sultry look, "Well, you can always move in with me in my chambers to experience the best veranda expe--" She tossed a muffin towards him as she proceeded to dry her hair. "Why do you have that plateful of perfection?!"

"The cook, apparently, loves me more than she loves you."

The second prince pouted and munched on the muffin. "Why are you here, anyway? You usually wake up at noon." Xander showed her a scroll, "A message was sent for us. What choice do I have?" She let out a soft laugh. "Hmmm, as to base on your personality, you don'even like reading scrolls. You let anyone else read to tell you." He smirked and crossed his ankles, "Well, it's our first scroll together. As sentimental as you are, I'm sure you'll have this displayed with a golden frame." She shot back, "With the engagement still in its final phases, you're not even my boyfriend yet." He shrugged, "I can be your lover."

"With due respect, your royal highness, Second Prince Frances Xander Raizl, fuck you."

He gave out a loud laughter and laid back on her bed. She rolled her eyes and tied her hair as to uphold Blanilian tradition for unmarried women. She went and sat on her bed, rolling out the scroll to read it. Xander sat up and attempted to fold his legs. "Your shoes." He sighed and removed them and proceeded to sit comfortably, placing his chin on her right shoulder. "So, you haven't even informed them with our impending engagement," she started. He grinned, "You can be my girlfriend for the mean time." She continued unaffectedly, "...and to officially meet the woman who made you stay in the country for two weeks now." Claire pulled away and turned to him, "This sounds..." He finished for her, "Stupid?" She frowned and said, "Unbelievable. You really are a man-whore. Your family is even surprised with your engagement, too. "

"Hey, it's not my fault that ladies flung themselves to me."

Claire sighed, "So, what's the plan?" He smirked darkly, "Oh, I have a brilliant one in mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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