gordons christmas surprise (RAPE)

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It was an hour since Ramsay had tongue fucked the breast, and Obama's devious plan was coming into shape. Under the Christmas tree lay a package wrapped in minty green wrapping paper, with Gordon Ramsay's name on it addressed from Obama himself. The present just happened to be a whole rotisserie chicken, with its legs tied on a chopping board and its asshole widely spread. Obama hoped this showed that he accepted Gordon's foody kink- then maybe, just maybe, the two would again hold hands.

"Gordon!" Obama called sweetly, rapping his knuckles on the kitchen door. Gordon glanced up, his cheeks still red, embarrassed after being caught lacking. "Everyone's opening presents! You've got one as well."

"A present... for me?" Gordon's eyes shone. He re-slung a cylinder object back into his belt and then dashed to the living room as fast as he could.

Everyone was waiting for Gordon to open the package. Carefully, cautiously, Obama handed him the present. He couldn't risk touching Gordon, not in front of everyone- for all he knew, his breasts may burst, and more universes may be born. Not yet, he told himself- he must have restraint.

"I can't believe you did this..." Gordon whispered softly. His voice sounded smooth, like creamy dark chocolate. Obama fought the urge to immediately ejaculate.

With well worn fingers, Gordon opened the package. The girth of the chicken was in sight for all to see. It's sweet buttery skin was crispy and wet. It's pearly white flesh was juicy and soft. It's asshole quivered, and Gordon caressed it. He held the chicken body like one holds baby Jesus.

"Obama..." Gordon moaned, his light blue orbs sparkling. Obama's own asshole tightened at the sound, but he chose to ignore it, as he was still mildly disgusted by Gordon's surprising chicken breast fetish. Gordon sniffed heavily, as if holding back tears. "This... this is the best gift I have ever, ever received."

Suddenly Barack Obama felt queasy in the chest, as if egg yolk was dripping down the walls of his stomach. He had the horrible notion that something bad was going to happen- this interaction had to end, and as quickly as possible.

Obama snatched the chicken and lay it to the side.

"Well, that's it then!" His voice became strained. "Everyone back to partying, right n-mnugh~" Obama cried loudly as his asshole ripped in two, some hard cylindrical shape shoved between his clapping cheeks.

"I knew you wanted me, Barack!" Gordon yelled wildly. His dick (which was the thing that he had slung into his belt) was so intuitive that it had burst through the leather of the baldric and had shot straight into Obama's tiny asshole, breaking through the cotton of Obama's linen suit and forcing milky titty juice straight out of the presidents nipples, spraying across the room and coating the present guests. "I knew that you wanted me from the moment we meet! And you giving me that chicken... that all but confirms!" He cut off with a moan, forcing his corkscrew cock in deeper, and Obama cried a guttural sound in response to the puncture of his womb. This was too much for Obama- he saw galaxies, stars, universes, all space matter being born right before him. He could taste the universes cum pouring on his face- he could feel every slippery and slimy molecule. For a short moment, he hardly wondered why Gordon was fucking him; he only relished the cries that crawled from his mouth.

The majority of the guests dissolved into terror and fled from the porn-hub like scene. Only six brave remained- a brightly colored group of magical rainbow ponies, determined to stop Gordon in his tracks of villany.

"HEY YOU!" cried a small and purple colored unicorn. She seemed like the leader, and her horn glowed angrily with the pungent color of eggplant and grapes. "Don't you know a thing called consent?"

"Last time I checked, your mum doesn't ask for it!" Retorted Gordon, and once again pushing his cock even deeper into Obama (spawning infinitely more universes), he chocked the silly horse until her eyes were popping out.

"Twilight!" chorused the voice of her five distressed friends. They watched in horror as Gordon spanked the pony hard on her ass, and tears flew from Twilight's eyes as she couldn't help but moan. He then forced Twilight high up into his tight asshole.

"Tongue me!" He ordered, and Twilight did what she was told. She was shoved so far up she was able to lick his stomach.

Meanwhile, Obama found himself enjoying the sex. He shouldn't have, but he did and he was disgusted by himself. But the initial hot attraction of Gordon was returning, becoming stronger and stronger with each of Gordon's thrusts. Obama's self-dignity began to slip away. He wondered if Gordon could see what he saw- all those baby galaxies dancing in the sky. However Gordon could not, and only moaned loudly out of the pure enjoyment of the sex. Obama, however, cried high and shrill, because he could see the universe expanding.

"You like that, huh?" Gordon huffed continuedly. "You like that, you naughty little black boy."

"Don't- be- racist." Obama forced out, gasping for air between every crude word.

"I wasn't, you black monkey." Gordon said again. He spanked Obama on the ass and then grabbed the rotisserie chicken.

"I want you to finger it!" Gordon Ramsay snapped. His asshole then tensed, and Twilight was consumed. "I want you to tongue-fuck that chicken right in front of me!"

As Obama forced his tongue into the ass of the chicken, some of his dignity began to return. How could he let Gordon order him around? How could he let Gordon rape him? And- there was no way he was going to tongue-fuck a chicken!

Obama withdrew his tongue and spat out the flesh.

"That's enough!" He cried, anger furrowing his brow. At that moment, the remaining ponies shot a silver pistol at Gordon- a gift left behind from the party. The sleek, amble pistol shone bright in the slivered half-light. The bullet missed, but Gordon jumped, and his cock shriveled outwards, traveling to the safety of Gordon's homey womb. Obama was saved... but what happens now?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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