Chapter 10:

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"No I think that will be all. Thank you again Kreature. I really appreciate it." There was a moment of silence where Kreature truly thought his heart might break seeing as he was not used to being treated so kindly. "Oh actually one more thing. Can you tell me truthfully if I look okay?" Kreature smiled very, very slightly.

"I think Sir Draco looks lovely this evening." Draco gave the elf a big smile and thanked him again. The elf dismissed himself to the kitchen and sat there for a while, thinking. While Kreature did that Draco looked up at the clock and watched the second hand tick as he wait for it to turn from 4:59 to 5:00 he watched until the second hand hit the eleven. Then he aperated to the burrow like he said he would. When he got there he was at the front door and went to knock on it when Harry came running out of the door crashing into the blonde.

"Ah fuck. Sorry." The black haired male apologized instantly without realizing who he fell onto. Then, once again, emerald met silver and the whole world froze. At least for a split second.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU GET BACK HERE!" Harry gave Draco an apologetic smile and hid behind him. When multiple gingers came running towards and out the door Draco backed up slowly making sure not to step on the man hiding behind him. "Oh, hi Draco dear." He heard Molly say with a smile on her face. "Now then, Harry James Potter, stop hiding behind our guest." She demanded. Harry stepped out from behind Draco looking down at his feet. He looked like a puppy about to be scolded. Draco gave him a sympathetic look and stepped forward to be a bit in front of Harry again but not completely.

"Excuse me for the intrusion but may I ask what this is all about?" The blonde asked cautiously. He saw the faces of the other gingers and decided it was time to actually try and look at the emotions on their faces. The entire Weasley family were never good at hiding their emotions. Draco looked at the youngest ginger, Ginny, she looked sad but happy. Bittersweet. The blonde moved to look at another Weasley. Ron, he looked confused and almost discussed. Next was Arthur, he looked very confused. Then he looked at Molly and she looked like she wanted to be supportive of something but was also very upset with Harry for some reason. The mother hen made eye contact with Harry.

"Can I tell him dear, or would you like to do that?" She asked, the boy she claimed as her son years ago. That said boy mumbled something that no one was able to understand. Thanks to him still feeling very scared he didn't have the energy to raise his voice, as all of his energy was going to making sure he didn't collapse or puke from his anxiety. Draco noticed how scared Harry was and Molly was thankful able to read the boy's lips. "I won't tell him if you aren't ready but just know we support you, no matter what. It might take some of us" she glared at Ronald. "Time to realize that your happiness is more important than anything but we still support you and you are always welcome here. Now go calm yourself, the others should be arriving soon." Harry nodded and grabbed Draco's hand. This got Draco's attention and he looked at the ravenette. The Gryffindor male gave him a look that was almost pleading. It took Draco a moment to realize what was being silently said but once he understood he nodded and leaned close to Harry's ear.

"I'll help you, let's go somewhere just us two for now. I'd rather not be questioned." Harry blushed at the proximity but nodded. Draco excused the two of them and they walked inside where Harry led Draco to his room. They were still hand in hand. They passed by Hermione who gave the boys a knowing look and a smile. Draco decided to ignore that for now and focus on Harry. "Let's try a different way to help calm you this time okay?" Harry nodded again. Draco hugged the boy and said softly. "I need you to follow my breathing. In for four beets," he breathed in calmly, Harry tried his best to follow, struggling slightly. "Hold for four beets," Harry was trying his best but was still struggling. Draco pulled away from the male and took his hand and put it to his chest. "Out for four beets" that part Harry could do. His hand on the blonde's chest made him anxious in a different way and he felt tears threaten to fall. He tried to pull his hand back but Draco stopped him and put it back. "Hold for four beets." Draco ended and continued to breathe in that pattern, Harry trying his best to hold back his tears and breath like he needed to. "Okay that's not working." The blonde hugged the male again. "You can cry, Harry. You don't have to hold back anything." Draco lifted his wand and muffled any sounds in the room to make sure no one would hear them and think Draco was hurting Harry. "I know you're scared," He said as the Gryffindor started to cry into his chest. "They were yelling at you after you told them something that was important to you." There was a moment of silence while Harry started to ball his eyes out. He shouldn't be reacting like this.

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