Our Girl

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I woke up in Bash's arms and relaxed as he ran his hand down my back. The memories kept replaying in my head and I heard the door open.

"Is she awake?" I looked up at Javi in response and he just looked between us.

"What happened to him?" Javi looked like I caught him off guard with my question. He sighed and looked at me as if he was questioning to answer me truthfully.

"You know the answer to that question" I looked up at Bash to see his reaction, but he just had a blank expression. I watched his hands fiddle with the string on my bikini bottoms and looked back up towards Javi. He started to turn to leave when I stopped him.

"Tell me the truth"

"Fine, he's being tortured" I scoffed and he raised a brow.

"Cami, he's serious" I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I looked out the window at the dark spot by the pool. I looked back at Javier and he raised his eyebrow.

"Still don't believe me?" I couldn't handle his smug face, so I said no again. Big mistake.

"Camillia" Bash stood up with his hands up and Javi stopped him from walking over to me.

"No, bring her" I gave him a confused look, but he just walked out.

"Where are we going?" Bash held my arm and walked me out to the hallway.

"We're just going with Javi somewhere, Cam"

"To that guard?" Bash shrugged and kept pulling me towards Javi's car. The ride was silent and we went out behind the house. I wondered where this road led to and then we just stopped.

"Get out" We all got out and headed to a tiny shed I didn't even notice. All three of us could barely fit inside and I watched as Bash pulled back the wall and a staircase went down into the earth.

"You crazy as fuck if you think I'm going down there!" Javier turned around and stared at me. Bash grabbed my waist and scooped me up. I squealed and thrashed around, but he wasn't letting go anytime soon. He set me down after Javi shut the door and I tried to open it, but it wouldn't open.

"I have the key, princess" I sighed and followed behind them as we walked for awhile. We came to another door with two guards and they let us through. We entered a round room with a chair directly in the middle. There was a couple torches, but it was very very dim in the room. It was pretty cold too, of course I was just in a bikini.

"Did you bring that for us?" A voice came out of the wall? I looked up and then down and seen a person in a cell that was lower than the floor. I jumped backwards into Javier and he grabbed my neck. He wrapped his arm around my waist and chuckled.

"This is mine" He let me go and I looked around and realized there was a bunch of cells lining the bottom of the room with men inside. Javier led us through more cell rooms until he finally stopped in the last room. There was a door off to the side of the room, that was the only difference between this and the other rooms.

"Cami?" I looked over towards Bash and I noticed a guard coming up behind me. I walked behind Bash and peeked around his shoulder. The guard handed Javi a key and he went into the room I was looking at.

"Where's he going?" He popped his head back out and told us to follow. Javi gave me his shirt before I entered and I quickly put it on.

"I wasn't lying" I walked around him and looked at the man tied up in a chair. His hand was halfway torn off, fingers blown off, bruises covering his face, cuts all over his face, stab wounds to his stomach and legs, and teeth missing with blood flowing out of his mouth. I quickly turned around and Bash wrapped his arms around me.

"I want to leave" I heard the guy groan in pain and looked back to see Javi digging a knife under the guys nails. I felt my knees get weak and my stomach turn.

"This is what happens when you touch what doesn't belong to you" I looked up at Javi and he was grinning at the guy in the chair.

"Who said I'm yours?" Javi turned and looked at me before setting down the knife. He walked over and grabbed my hair.

"Don't you remember? I bought you" A tear ran down my cheek and he wiped it away.

"Javi, please. She didn't do anything!" He looked over to Bash and back down at me. It was like he was talking to a complete different person earlier and now he recognized who I was. His eyes softened and I rested my head against his chest as I threw up onto his shoes. He carried me out of the room and told Bash to take me back to my room. The cool rooms were the only thing keeping me conscious right now.

"Was he going to hurt me?"

"No, Cam, no. He wouldn't harm anybody that was innocent! That's not who we are" Oh yeah, Bash does that to people too. He set me down to open the door and I saw Javi walking towards us, completely covered in blood. He held the door open so Bash could carry me out and he rinsed himself off with a hose outside the shed. I watched the blood run down his body and stared at his face. How could such a beautiful man be such a monster?

"I think I'm going to throw up" It was so disturbing knowing that was the blood of somebody else, but he looked so attractive right now. Wait what? I just threw up, but now he looks attractive?

"Why are you looking at him like that?" I looked towards Bash confused and he looked mad.

"It's gross, I can't believe he's so chill about it"

"He has stabbed another dude's dick and it fell off onto the floor before. He's fine" I gagged so hard I eventually threw up again.

"Sebastian! You let her throw up in my car?!"

"She was just eyeing you up two seconds ago!" I threw up again and it landed right on his lap.

"You're sick!" I pointed at Javi while trying to catch my breath.

"Says the one puking in my car!" I opened the door and passed out halfway out the door.

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