Dog House

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"I can not believe you truly thought that was a good idea, Javier. I'm not some little toy you can just dress up and use to make your exes jealous" I was going off on Javi as we were walking in the door and everyone in the living room quickly stood up and went outside. I walked up to his room with him following. I started taking my hair down and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry I know it was stupid" I pushed his hands off me and he sighed angrily before he stormed out. I rolled my eyes and started to get ready to take a bath. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a crop top when Bash walked in. He knocked on my door frame and I gave him a small smile for only a second.

"You alright?" He followed me to the bathroom and watched as I started to run the bath.

"Yeah, I'm just pissed off." He nodded and ran his hand down his neck.

"You're not the only one, Javi just stomped out of here and slammed the front door on his way out" I rolled my eyes again before putting my hair up in a bun.

"He's really having a fucking temper tantrum because I got mad and scolded him for doing something hurtful to someone else" Bash rubbed his hands together nervously.

"He's never had someone go off on him before, he's been the boss up until now. He don't like being told what to do or what not to do" I shrugged.

"He shouldn't have sent you guys to bring me here then and he wouldn't have this problem. He can get the fuck over it"

"I'll just let you continue with your bath, I'll be around if you need anything"

"I can get the shit myself" Bash chuckled awkwardly before dipping out of my room. How do they expect me to not get an attitude when they do stupid shit? Rolling my eyes, I slid down into my bath water. I just want to relax for five minutes at least.

"Hey, Javi wants to talk to you" Bash walked in holding the phone towards me.

"Tell him I'm not talking to him right now and the both of you are disturbing me. Get out."

"Yes, I'm sorry" I heard him arguing with Javi and then the front door slam. Great.

"I said I wanted to talk to you" I sighed heavily and looked up at Javi completely covered in blood.

"Get the fuck out" I watched his face twist in anger and he seemed speechless.

"This is my fucking house"

"I'll leave then"

"You're not leaving"

"And you're not going to be an asshole and make me do shit I would never do. Get mad at me for getting mad at you when I should be and then you barge in here and bother me while I'm trying to take a damn bath. Get the fuck out now, Javier"

"Fine" He slammed the door and I screamed at him again. He is so moody lately and I'm not dealing with it.

45 minutes later~

I wrapped my robe around me and put a facial on before opening my door. I looked out to see a dozen roses and other things on my bed. I opened the note and Javi was apologizing. He gave me roses, chocolates, a stuffed animal, a card, and a bottle of wine. I sat down on my bed and heard keys jingle. I found a random set of keys and I walked out looking for Javi.

"Bash, where is he?" Bash stopped talking to Rocky and turned to look at me.

"In his office I think, why?" I just walked past them and headed up the stairs. I walked into his office and he was on the phone talking in another language to someone. He quickly ended the call and I walked up to him laying the keys on his desk.

"What's wrong?" He looked from the keys to me.

"I don't want it"


"I don't need your money or your fancy cars"

"That's nothing for me, just take it"

"I won't" He stood up and sat me on his desk before kissing my forehead.


"Why do I need a car if I can't go anywhere by myself?" He chuckled and gently hit the top of my head.

"Why would I get you a car if you couldn't?" I furrowed my brows in confusion before finally realizing that means I can go anywhere I want without a shadow. I wrapped my arms around him and he almost fell on top of me.

"It's still probably too expensive though"

"Does that mean you'll take it?"

"Even if I say no you'll just bother me until I do, so yes"

"Does that also mean that you forgive me?" I looked up at him and he looked too good to say no to even though I still was a little mad.

"Just don't do anything like this again, okay?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good boy" His eyes darkened and he grabbed my throat.

"Watch your mouth, I'm not the submissive one here"

"I'm not submissive" I rolled my eyes and he crossed his arms.

"Do you need an attitude adjustment?" I scoffed.

"You're the one with the attitude" He snatched me up making me scream in surprise. He threw the door open almost taking Bash out in the process. I reached for Bash's hand but Javi had me in his room before I could be saved.

"I'm going to fuck you until you realize who the boss is" I smirked knowing I just made him apologize. He knew I was in charge the whole time, but I'll let him pretend like he is. He really falls for the trap like a blind idiot, he's so cute.

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