"Lauren Rogers?"
I raised my hand and looked straight into Mr. Downey's eyes. He made a check on his clipboard and then smiled at me. I looked down at my desk trying not to cry. I blinked away the tears threatening to fall. This was so hard, I was staring right at her. Missy Miller, the most perfect girl in our sophomore class.. She was also the reason I no longer had a boyfriend. I had the perfect relationship with Ethan Smith all last year until Missy came along. I watched in horror as Ethan draped his arm around Missy's shoulder. A sob escaped my lips and once that happened they kept coming out of me hard.
"Lauren, come on stand up for me. That's it, come on outside." Mr. Downey was pulling me to my feet. I didn't even know how I ended up on the floor. Mr. Downey gave instructions to the class before pulling me out into the hall. When we were in the hallway he leaned me against the wall and I curled into my body as I sobbed.
"Lauren, talk to me. This isn't like you what's going on?" Mr. Downey asked placing an arm around my shoulder.
"He kissed her right in front of me! Months!" I sobbed out clutching at Mr. Downey's arm that was on my shoulder.
"Huh? Who kissed who?" Mr. Downey asked confused of course. I had forgotten that not everyone knew what happened this past weekend.
"Missy and Ethan have been going on for months!" I gasped out hiccuping for air.
"Hey, you have to breath. Take a deep breath for me. In and out. There you go." Mr. Downey exaggerated his breathing so I could follow and get my breathing under control. "Now, what's going on with Ethan and Missy? I thought you and Ethan and were together."
"We were then Sam had his big homecoming party Friday night and we went. I lost Ethan at the party and found him with his tongue down Missy's throat! It had been going on for months! Ever since last year! I'm so stupid!" I fell forward onto the floor and started sobbing harder than before.
Mr. Downey helped me sit against the wall. "Where is your agenda?" He questioned softly.
I pointed to his classroom door and buried my head in my folded arms that sat on top of my knees.
"Stay right here, and for the love of god please breathe." Mr. Downey patted my shoulder before walking back into his classroom. He came back out with my stuff and a box of tissues. He set my stuff down next to me and handed me the box of tissues. "Who is your guidance counselor?"
"Mrs. Heart but, she's not here this week. She went on maternity leave." I wiped at my eyes with a tissue and groaned seeing it come back all black. Great my mascara was running all down my face now.
"Do you want to talk to any of the other counselors?"
I shook my head and laid it on my hands. "No, they don't know me." I dug into my bag and pulled out my dance hoodie.
Mr. Downey nodded. "Ok, well what do you want to do? I can change your seat if that would help?"