10:New York Pt.2

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I hear arguing while I'm sleeping and it sounds like Lycia and Skyler.

"-Myles doesn't care about you and you're right I am going to get back together with him." I hear Lycia say. "Myles and I have history, Tyler-" "It's Skyler,bitch" Skyler corrects her.

"Whatever all I'm saying is at the rate Myles and I are going,we'll be back together in no time" Lycia finishes.

"Skyler?" I question seeing her sitting in front of the couch, opening my eyes.

"Hey sleepy head, you finally woke up" Skyler says kissing my cheek.

"How'd you know we were here princess?" I asked.

"Kalin dropped by our hotel just now" She tells me. I nod.

Lycia rolls her eyes then goes into the bathroom,shutting the door behind her. I sit up on the couch and Skyler sits next to me.

"You know I care about you right?" I ask Skyler. She nods.

"Just know I'll never let anyone tear us apart" I say truthfully.

"I know you won't" Skyler says a look of hope in her eyes.

We sit there holding hands in perfect silence.

"I'm gonna go get some rest, you know because it's been a long day" Skyler says getting up.

"Please just stay with me" I beg holding her hand.

"Okay,well at least let me grab some clothes" She tells me and I nod.

I know it may be too soon but I think I'm in love with Skyler and I'm going to tell her one day.

Skyler P.O.V

I walk across the hall to Amber and I's room and when I open the door I see something that scars me for life.

I see Amber riding Kalin,obviously naked. They don't even hear me come in.

I shield my eyes and close the door quietly. And I run back to Myles' room.

"Ewww" I exclaim walking into the room.

"What?" Myles asks amused by me being disgusted.

"I just walked in on Amber and Kalin, doing stuff" I tell him sitting on the couch.

"Having sex?" Myles ask, I nod.

Myles shrugs. "I guess we'll be sleeping on Kalin's bed tonight"

"I guess, I'll be sleeping in your clothes tonight" I mock Myles.

"How about we walk around Central Park and then come back to bed?" Myles suggests.

"Okay,can I borrow some vans?" I ask.

"Why don't you go get yours?" Myles teases.

"No I am not going back in that room,ew" I stick my tongue out at Myles grabbing a pair of black vans.

I put the shoes on over my fuzzy socks, then we both walk out the door.

Myles turns on his GPS and we both hold hands,walking side by side.

"Myles,why do you keep spending so much time with Lycia?" I ask out of no where.

"I don't try too,she just always wants to hang with me" Myles answers looking down at the directions to Central Park.

"I know,but do you really want her back in your life?"

Myles stops us and looks me straight into my eyes. "No because your the only girl I want in my life to be by my side at all times" he says then we continue walking.

I look at him adoringly, and I study him.

His perfect jaw,his cute lips,his eyelashes,his soft pale skin, and his furrowed eyebrows as he stares down at the GPS constantly looking upward and forward.

"Skyler I know I'm sexy but I think your starting to drool a little bit" Myles catches me staring at him, blush covering my face.

Myles pulls my hands down and holds one in his. "Don't hide your face,you look even more beautiful when you blush" I blush again.

We get to Central Park and Myles turns off his navigation system. Myles and I walk around the park. I shiver and Myles gives me his hoodie to wear.

"Do you see us having a future together?" Myles asks out of the blue.

"Well when I was just nothing but a crazy fan girl I always used to think 'Myles is going to be my baby daddy, and he's going to marry me someday" I say embarrassed by my confession.

Myles laughs a little"Do you still think that now? Like, do you ever want to have kids and marry me?"

I do want to have kids one day. And I already have a dream wedding in mind.

"Yeah, I do actually" I answer.

"Well what's your dream wedding? I know some girls think about that kind of stuff" Myles says casually.

"I wanted it to be like a wedding where people are like 'wow this is beautiful' but they pay attention to my dress" I start off

"I want it to be near the ocean, you waiting on a platform with the preacher, me walking down the isle on the beach with a big sky blue wedding dress with diamonds" I sigh happily thinking about it

"All our friends and family there,my dad walking me down the isle and after we say I do we jump the broom,representing the start of our new life" I finish.

Myles stands on the bridge over the park silently just staring at me. I instantly feel self-conscious of my face.

"What? Is there something on my face?"I ask .

"No your just really pretty" Myles says then he kisses me under the starry moon-lit night. "We keep having movie moments, it's weird but cute" I think to myself during the kiss.

After we kiss, we both decide to head back to the hotel.

"If we were to have children,how many would you want?" I ask Myles out of curiosity.

"6 billion" Myles says without thought.

I widen my eyes " I'm just kidding,probably 2 or 3 kids" Myles laughs at my facial expression.

I sigh with relief as we get back to the hotel.
Myles unlocks his room door with the key card and I see Lycia knocked out on the couch with a blanket over her looking uncomfortable with the TV on.

I snicker at how she's sleeping then hop in the bed. Myles jumps on top of me.

"Meelz get your fat butt off of me" I say feeling suffocated, he has more ass than me.

"Don't hate me cuz' I'm booti-ful" Myles sings getting under the blankets,I get under as well.

Myles holds my waist and I turn around playing with his poof.

"Your the only girl I ever let do that" Myles tells me. I soon start to drift off into dream land.

"Goodnight Skyler" Myles tells me turning off the TV and the bedside lamp.

"I love you" I hear him whisper.

He loves me?
Author's Note:
Myles dropped the 'L' bomb.
Skyles is cute or whateva

QOTD:What's your motto?

Mine is 'Life is beach,im just playing in the sand'

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