Tyler: "Kamen Rider!"
My name is Tyler Klause and I am....Kamen Rider Onyx....The Dark Rider.
My story was always not getting dark that I wanted to be a hero and I was becoming Kamen Rider Onyx for one reason to protect all life on earth and I was...
Tyler: "Hmmm...." He was sleeping while murmuring to himself in his sleep.
There was Tyler laying down in his bed by himself and made him was sleeping there like peaceful and he was closing his eyes shut and peacefully quiet and he didn't make a sound but he was daydreaming the flashback was haunting his mind and he was remembered about the flashback it had been a long time ago that he was destroyed by Magneto's minions. But not now he survived back and then Tyler got a black advent deck to a new life.
In daydreaming.
When Tyler got transported by a portal to another dimension but he was in the time vortex and saw everything around him even heroes from other times in the time vortex against fallen heroes he let out a cry of pain and said.
Tyler: "Oh man, I know I've been hear before-" He tried to say and then he heard there were sounds of monsters were coming here right away and Tyler turned his head to look at these monsters coming here right away and he said.
Tyler: "Great Mirror Monsters came here....we'll...this isin't a coincidence." He said to himself and made him looking at the monsters and then he start to transform into Kamen rider onyx and the transformation was finally done and made him was transforming into a black armored dragon figure with card powers. Then Tyler got his onyx form right away and made him chuckle a little bit in dark and he turned his head to look up at the monsters and let out a battle cry at the mirror monsters.
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Dragblacker: *ROAR*
When the black dragon was moving so fast it was used it's tail to take out many mirror monsters around him then they were exploded like sushi to fish...the mirror monsters were in shock and it was terrifying.
???: "Man he's knocking them down this is to easy for him to destroy them*." She thought herself and she saw mirror monsters being burned to the ground and she just saw Tyler kicking there butts.
???2: "W-W-What thee heck?!? He can take them out?!? What is he?!?" He thought to himself and he was spooked for what he just saw the black hero who was knocked out all these monsters apart off and then the figure summoned a black like broadsword with a card which he inserted into the black dragvisor and the figure sliced them like a dark superhero.
Tyler/Kamen Rider Onyx/: "Aw No More?" He said to himself in question and made him turn his head to look all around many minions for what he knocked out was 600 of them and he just destroyed all of them right away and made Tyler laugh a little bit and then he heard a stomp foot from on the ground coming here. Then Tyler turned his head to look at the big tall black alien who stood right there and he looked completely spooky but not even spooky to Tyler.