Chapter 10: Fish in a Barrel

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In the clouds above Equestria, a single Hudson Mk

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In the clouds above Equestria, a single Hudson Mk. III aircraft flies through the skies. Rainbow Dash is sat in the cockpit, holding the control wheel as she keeps the aircraft steady. Pinkie Pie is sitting next to her, looking over the clouds and blue skies around them with awe. (Y/N) is nestled inside the ball turret at the back of the plane, snoring lightly with his M1 helmet adjusted to cover his eyes, his hind legs propped up on one of the guns inside.

Rainbow Dash glanced at Pinkie Pie for a moment then turned her attention back to the skies.

Rainbow Dash: "Hey, Pinkie? Can I ask you a question?"

Pinkie Pie: "You just did, silly."

Rainbow Dash gave a light groan.

Rainbow Dash: "Can I ask you another question?"

Pinkie Pie couldn't help but openly giggle with a light snork.

Pinkie Pie: "You just did, again!"

Rainbow Dash audibly growled as her grip on the wheel tightened.

Rainbow Dash: "Pinkie!"

Pinkie Pie: "Yes, Dashie?" She blinked rapidly, innocently.

Rainbow Dash: "I wanted to know your thoughts?"

Pinkie Pie: "Well..." She pointed at a hoof at one of the clouds. "Norman is complaining that Sean isn't contributing to the roving band as much as he needs to be..." She then pointed at another cloud. "... Meanwhile, Kelly is trying to come to terms with her past..." She then pointed at a third cloud.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and groaned, face-hooving.

Rainbow Dash: "I meant your thoughts about this plan! About... (Y/N) ..."

Pinkie's face turned a shade of red as she waved her hoof.

Pinkie Pie: "I think this plan is as good as any other plan! He certainly seems to believe enough in it that it'll work... so that means I believe in it, too! As for (Y/N) ..."

She peeked through the cabin doorframe, spotting the sleeping stallion in the upper ball turret. She smiled warmly and looked back to Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie: "He's somepony that's able to bring a smile to my face no matter what's happening."

Rainbow Dash: "Heh... yeah, he's kinda awesome, sometimes. But this has me thinking..."

Pinkie Pie: "What about?"

Rainbow Dash: "I dunno. Something about him just seems... not normal. Y'know?"

Pinkie Pie: "Hmm... maybe we could ask Twilight about it when we get back to Canterlot?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah. Yeah! Sounds like a plan!"

Pinkie Pie: "And we can ask those planes there if they're willing to help lead us back!" She pointed a hoof toward the skies.

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