Chapter 13: The Seventh Element

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(Y/N) murmured to himself in the darkness, hearing only muffled voices around him. The voices all quickly hushed as he mumbled something and slowly opened his eyes.

???: "Quiet, girls. He's waking up."

(Y/N) opened his eyes a small bit, then fully. He found himself back in a hospital room in the hospital, laying in a bed with a blanket covering his lower half and fresh bandages wrapped around his torso. He looked forward and found the Mane 6 and Spike standing around the hospital bed, looking at him with mixed smiles.

(Y/N): "H-Hey girls..."

The Mane 6 all walked forward and wrapped themselves in a warm hug around him, much more gently this time.

Fluttershy: "Are you alright, (Y/N)? You gave us quite a scare at the castle."

(Y/N): "I'm doing much better, Fluttershy. Thank you."

The Mane 6 pulled back from the hug as the stallion heaved a sigh. Spike jumped onto the pile, last. He looked over at Applejack, smirking.

(Y/N): "Told ya, I'd be doing something crazy a few more times."

Applejack rolled her eyes, lightly punching his arm with a hoof. He chuckled, then winced, rubbing his arm.

(Y/N): "So... if you all are here, then that means..."

Twilight Sparkle: "Princess Luna is back with us. Though, the builders said it may be a bit before the castle is fully repaired."

Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders and waved a dismissive hoof as she was hovering in the air.

Rainbow Dash: "Big deal! We trashed the castle plenty of times before, and they managed to get it all fixed in no time."

Twilight Sparkle: "Which reminds me. We wanted to ask you something (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What's up?" He slowly sat up.

Rarity: "You simply must tell us about your new abilities, darling."

(Y/N): "My what?"

Rainbow Dash: "Y'know... your little rainbow glowing trick that you gave all of us?"

Pinkie Pie: "Your super-powered headbutting?" She tapped a hoof to her head.

Twilight Sparkle: "Being able to focus our combined magic of friendship into... whatever you did?"

(Y/N): "Err... uhh.. I have... no idea what you girls are talking about, sorry."

Their dialogue was cut off abruptly as a royal and elegant voice piped up from the end of the room, approaching the group.

????: "Then perhaps... we can shed some light on that for you."


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[MLP] Equestria at War - Book 1: The Return of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now