Chapter 18 (Emily): Open That Box

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It seemed like no sooner were the words out of my mouth that I wanted us to see how we did living together -- and Beard was threatening me by withholding sex until I agreed to marry him -- that we were discussing where we should live.

"My house on the compound is pretty new, Em," he told me. "Built a smaller one years ago and sold it to one of the brothers a few years ago when he was starting a family. Then I just lived at the clubhouse until I built the new house about a year before I met you. It's a farmhouse type-ranch, wide porch on three sides, deck in the back, four bedrooms, open floorplan, kitchen that's rarely been used unless my mother and grandmothers came over. No stairs inside to worry about. About three thousand square feet, sits on a little more than an acre, has some nice trees for shade."

"Farmhouse style, hmm? Guess you can take the boy out of the farm, and all that. I want to see it before I decide, but that sounds better suited to raising the twins than my house."

I looked around my living room, at all the glass and corners. "I bought this one thinking I'd be living here as a single woman, so it's not as big as yours, and I've actually been thinking since I found out I was pregnant that chasing them up and down the stairs didn't sound safe or like a lot of fun."

"We can go look at it tomorrow. I haven't done much to it, so you'll have a blank canvas. Anything you don't like, you can change. Except the barely dressed biker babes I've got up on all the walls. Those are staying."

I burst out laughing. "I bet your mom and grandmothers helped hang them up, didn't they?"

Beard leaned toward me, his mouth just an inch from mine. "Look at that, Emily. Our first major decision together and no blood was shed."

He was tempting me, taunting me, knowing that he'd just thrown down the gauntlet about nothing physical happening between us until I agreed to marry him. I'd picked it up and agreed.

I leaned toward him, making it so my lips were almost on his, knowing he could feel my breath on his lips as I whispered, "We should celebrate that with a good, hard fuck, don't you think?"

"Say yes to marrying me, and I'll haul you off to the bedroom right now and give you everything you want. And bonus -- you can see the ring as I slide it on your finger."

That bastard. Well, I wasn't ready to concede. I wanted us to live together for a while to see how our lives meshed before committing to him completely.

"But, Beard," I sighed needily. "I'm so wet and ready for you to slide into me with that magical cock of yours." My hand slid from his thigh to his already-hard dick -- and he stood up and backed away like I'd set him on fire.

"I'll outlast you, Emily," he warned me. 

"I have some battery-operated options, Beard. I don't need you," I said haughtily.

He stomped off to my bedroom and came back a few minutes later with a bag full of my toys.

"What the --"

"It's me or nothing, Em. Deal with it. I'll put these away for safekeeping until you come to your senses and agree to marry me."

"That's not fair!" I shouted as he walked out of my house. "That's like blackmail!"

"You think I give a fuck?" he tossed back over his shoulder.

After seeing his house the next day, I was ready to move. It was surprisingly open and airy and, other than the four steps leading to the porch, stairless. A week later, the twins and I were moved in. 

"We can work on their rooms while they're sharing the nursery," Beard said. "Then make the nursery into an office for you."

"What about you? Do you need a home office?"

The Rampage MC #2: Beard and EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now