Chapter 15 (Emily): Twist!

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The minute we walked into Beard's parents' home, I knew why Beard looked so damn young. The man had an incredible gene pool. Either that, or his ancestors had made a deal with the devil at some point to earn eternal youth. I'd known his parents looked much younger than they were since I'd met them at the hospital, but his three grandparents, who were all mid-nineties, also looked and acted much younger than they were. His grandmothers -- Nanny and Memaw -- cooed over the babies and sat there blissfully holding Bowdin and Elincia while we all chatted.

Eventually Beard, his father and grandfather -- Gramps -- decided to go out before lunch and look at the tractor that was running rough.

"Oh, Manzo's always tinkered with engines," Nanny said, rocking Bowdin gently in her arms. "That boy could fix anything and was always such a help when he was growing up."

"He'll have it running like a top before you know it," Memaw agreed, adjusting the tiny bow in Elincia's hair.

"When's the wedding?" Nanny asked, patting Bowdin's tummy.


"The wedding?" I asked.

"Well, all that boy talks about is wanting to marry you," Memaw said. "Talks about you every time he's over and how he wants to get a ring on your finger."

"Mom," Mary said, a gentle rebuke in her voice. "Let's talk about something else."

"Well, I'd like to see a wedding before too long," Memaw said. "Before I'm too old to enjoy it. That's all I'm saying."

"Beard and I aren't planning on getting married. We're co-parenting."

"Well, not sure what that means but sounds like a load of horseshit to me," Memaw said. "And you might want to tell him that because the last time he was here, he was asking about rings."

Maybe their minds were confused?

"Let's talk about the shower!" Mary interjected in a bright, cheery voice that didn't fool any of us.

Ah, the only subject I might want to talk about less than marriage.

"We were thinking of having a big barbecue in a couple of months when it's warmer and the babies are older. Just a fun family day, when Bowdin and Elincia can be introduced to the club and we can have punch and cake and celebrate the babies."

Yes, the times I'd been at the clubhouse, punch and cake sounded right up the bikers' alley. More like whiskey and tequila shots, but close enough.

"I've been on the phone with your mother just about every day, Emily."

What? She'd only called me a couple of times.

"She's so excited and she wants to be in charge of the games."


Please, no. I was going to need tequila shots. Like now.

"You know, Mary, I was thinking maybe we actually don't need to have a shower --"

She ignored me. "Anne and I talked about it and thought maybe five games would be a good number. We have to do that funny one where we melt candy bars and put them in little diapers!"

"Or baby food in the diapers instead of candy bars!" Nanny suggested.

Fuck shots, I was going to need the entire bottle.

"Ah, maybe games aren't the best idea at a biker --"

"Your mother has it all planned, Emily. You don't have to lift a finger. We're going to order the cake and cupcakes. Memaw's on decorations and Nanny's in charge of coordinating with the caterer. The boys'll do the barbecue, and Joy's going to help with the sides, but we'll get some of the food catered. Those nice girls who work at the MC can do the punch and decorate. Then you just show up and enjoy the fun."

The Rampage MC #2: Beard and EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now