Chapter Forty-Seven: What lies beyond the door?

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Maddie held her up as she caught her breath. It was safe to say everyone was confused. She was dead a moment ago.

"What happened?" Cedrica asked

"I don't know. I didn't do anything," Maddie said

"You kissed her," Sophus said, "true love's kiss. That's what brought her back!"

"Save the celebration. Where is Scarlett?" Cedrica asked trying to get off the bed

"She's not here. And be careful. You were dead a moment ago," Maddie said

"There's no time! Scarlett poisoned me and she plans to do the same to Madisyn! You have to do something!"

"Cedrica, where's your proof that it is her? It could be anyone," Rose said

"I have proof. And don't fall for the nice act. She's what's wrong with Asgard," Cedrica said getting up, 'All of my life everything's worked like clockwork in this place where time declines to flow. Never changing and always remaining, I've never questioned the way it should go. Then she comes here bringing nothing but questions and I find all I can think of is her and what lies beyond the door. Something calls me to know more. How this yearning inside grows for the door I always close.'

Cedrica led them to the room where she found the proof. But no one was believing her. They knew she had mental confusion when she was poisoned so they think it was that making her see things. Now she was doubting herself.

'What can there be besides what I know here? There is no point to this untempered thought. Why search for truth when I may regret it? I'll cast doubts aside and I'll do what I ought. Oh, how I wish I could return to the bliss that is ignorance. Why must there be uncertainty now? Asking just what lies beyond the door. Nothing's certain anymore and though I must never know. As a chance, the questions grow.'

She decided to just barge in. Scarlett was there and so was all the proof she found the first time.

"I wasn't imagining things! She's planned this from the beginning and gotten away with it. Well, not this time!" Cedrica said, 'Now I know why they warn us never take too long for unwanted curiosity will catch on and go on. Will I see beyond the door? Just one way to know for sure. I know doubts will leave me be in the moment that I see if I look through, look beyond the door!'

Now everyone believed her. Scarlett then admitted to it all with no sympathy. She got what she wanted. Now it will all be taken from her. Rose had her guards lock Scarlett away for her crimes.

"You were right. We should have listened to you," Maddie said.

"It's all in the past now, Maddie. But was it true? Do you really love me?" Cedrica asked

"I love you more than anything in this life."

"I love you too, Maddie. And I will happily be yours if you'll still have me," Cedrica smiled

"Of course, I do," Maddie smiled.

The two shared a proper kiss. Everyone was happy that they were finally together. It's taken them long enough. Once they separated their kiss, Madisyn had something to ask.

"What will happen now? Will you still rule Asgard?" Madisyn asked.

"No. I know someone better who can rule this kingdom. And that someone is you, Madisyn," Cedrica said smiling

"Me? I don't understand."

'You've come such a long, long way and I've watched you from that very first day. To see how you might grow, to see what you might do, to see what you've been through, and all the ways you've made me proud of you. It's time now for a new change to come. You've grown up and your new life has begun to go where you will go, to see what you will see, to find what you will be. For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny.'

Cedrica used her magic to transform Madisyn into the new queen of Asgard. Cedrica will be a Royal Sorceress with Maddie in Enchancia, not the queen of Asgard. She's finally found her place in the world.

"Madisyn? Is that you?" Gabriella asked shocked at her new appearance, "Wha... I-I've never seen anything like it!"

"Ha! Madisyn's the Queen! Awesome! A Royal!" Rose said smiling

"Why, you've become a Magic Queen. I didn't even know that was possible," Sophus said

"MAGIC PARTY!" Andrew yelled

"Wow... You look just like a Queen!" Elias said not really getting the hint like the others

"That's because she is a Queen," Cedrica said smiling

"Huh?" Everyone asked

"Hold on a second!" Andrew drank some water and spat it out of surprise

"A... A Queen?" Madisyn asked shocked

"Since you've come to Enchancia and Asgard, you've displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course, the leadership of a true Queen."

"But... does this mean I won't be your friend anymore?"

"Not in the same way as before. I'll still be there to help and guide you, but we're all your friends now, too. You are an inspiration to us all, Madisyn."

"But... what do I do now? Is there a book about being a queen I should read?"

Cedrica giggled, "There will be time for all of that later."

Cedrica led everyone to the town to tell the people of Asgard what will be happening now and to introduce Madisyn as the new queen.

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful friend, Madisyn Laufeydottir, has done many extraordinary things since she's lived in Asgard. She even helped reunite me with my love, Maddie the Magnificent. But today, Madisyn Laufeydottir did something extraordinary. She created new magic, proving without a doubt that she is ready to be crowned Asgard's new Queen. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present for the very first time, Queen Madisyn Sylviedottir!" Cedrica said smiling

'The Queen Madisyn cometh. Behold, behold, A queen here before us. Behold, behold, behold. Behold, behold,' the people said as Madisyn came forward, 'The Queen Madisyn cometh. Behold, behold The Queen is... The Queen is here!'

"Say something, your majesty," Cedrica said smiling

"Oh. Um..." Madisyn cleared her throat, "A little while ago, my friend and mentor Cedrica the Great sent me to live in Enchancia. She sent me to study friendship, which is something I didn't really care much about. But now, on a day like today, I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Today, I consider myself the luckiest girl in Asgard. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everybody!"

The crowd cheered for her

"Madisyn! I'm so proud of you!" Maddie said so proud she was going to cry for her friend.

"Are you crying?" Madisyn asked amused

"Of course not. It's... it's liquid pride. Totally different thing."

The two laughed it off.

"Way to go, Madisyn!" Gabriella said smiling

"Best coronation day ever!" Andrew said smiling

"We love you, Madisyn," Elias said smiling

"I love you too, guys!" Madisyn said smiling, 'Life in Asgard shimmers. Life in Asgard shines and I know for absolute certain...'

'That everything (that everything), Yes, everything (yes, everything). Yes, everything is certainly fine. It's fine!' Everyone said smiling

"Yes! Everything's going to be just fine!" Madisyn said smiling.

After her coronation, Cedrica went back to Enchancia with her family and true love. But their story isn't over just yet. There's a lot more left.

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