Everything in this story is made up and not true even if it is about real people. Do not take any of this serieously it is just little story's that come into my head. Some of these couples i understand are either not together or would never happen in real life but it is what i have seen other storys said about them so i thought i would have a go too.
When i write in speech or sometimes in text i will use abbreviatons for names. I will make a list for you below of who the abbreviations mean :
B - Beth
V - Vivianne
Lu - Lucy
k - Kiera
Le - Leah
J - Jordan
Les - Alessia
Lo - Lotte
R - Rachel Daly
Be - Beth England
k - Kristie
S - sam
C - Caitlin
Li - Lia
K - katie
If i happen to add any more people to the storys i will just add the abbreviations to the startof the story.
This is my first few storys so if you have any suggestions for storys or anyone that you would like to see please say so. Also if you wouls like me to make any of the small storys into a hole book then please say so.
Thank you

woso couples
Romancearsenal and lionesses stories. The couples will be Beth and Viv Lucy and Kiera Jordan and leah Lotte and lessi caitlin and lia sam and kristie and whoever else comes up