Bet - Beth and Viv

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Leah's POV

Le - I really don't think that they are together they ony just got out of there own relationships a couple months ago.

J - I see where your coming from babe but who helped each other through this rough time and who are now really close. Who is also closer than ever right now.

Le - I still don't see it

J - Ok then lets make a bet that if they are together by the end of the year you owe me a tenner and if they are not i will give you ten.

Le - Ok then, get your money then

Time skip to when they have won the euro's

Beth's POV

As soon as i had gotten my rewards i ran over to my friends and family, and who was also stood with my family, my girlfriend, but the thing is only my family and viv's family knew that we were together even the team didn't know. I hugged my family and viv and then went back to my team who were doin the lap of honor.

I ran straight over to leah and jordan

J - I saw you with your family but who else did you bring since you had 6 tickets.

B - well i brought my mum, dad, brother, katie, jen and my girlfriend

Le -  since when did you have a girlfriend

B - well we are announcing it late so don't make a big deal about it but you know them really well.

J - How well

Le - Like england well or Arsenal well

B - Arsenal

J - Is it Viv ?

As soon as jordan said that i smiled and went comleatly red.

J - OMG beth i'm so happy for you two and le i belive you owe me a tenner

Le - Sadly i do

B - Why does she owe you a tenner

J - Well at the start of the year we made a bet that if you and viv were together at the end of the year she owed me a tenner and if you weren't she owed me. 

B - You guys are so cheeky but was it really that obvious

J - Yep definetly

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