Lucy had moved from city around 6 months ago now and kiera was struggling. Kiera and lucy had always been really close when they were at city and kiera had actually developed feelingd for lucy over the years but kiera was sure that lucy didnt think the same. But in reality lucy had the exact same feelings.
The two hadn't seen each other since lucy had moved. when Lucy moved kiera was really hurt as lucy didn't tell kiera that she was moving until the day before. Authough that wouldnt last for much longer as the Euro 22 camp was starting next week and they had lots of pre-tournement training to do.
Kiera's POV
I had just woken up on the morning of the first day of camp. When i woke up it was 9 O'clock Leah and Goergia were ariving at 10 since we were traveling down to base camp together for 1.30.
I was just finishing packing the last few bits in my suit case when i hear my phone go and then see the screen light up. Lucy. I havent talked to her in 6 months and i'm not quite sure if i want to. Authough that didn't stop me from goign over to my phone and opening the message. ' Hi kie i know that we haven't talked in months but i don't want it to be awkward at camp between us. See you later xxx' The end of the message really took me by suprise does she really mean that or is she just being polite.
My thoughts were compleatly abandoned when my bedroom door opened and it was leah a nd georgia. My natrual reaction was to throw my phone away from me so that they couldn't the the message the lucy had sent me, authough i think that i might have done that a bit too quickly when the girls gave me some suspicious looks.
le - who was that?
k - No
G - come on tell us or i am going to start naming people again
I didn't say anything so G started naming people much to my despair.
G - Rach, Bethany E, Beth, Lucy
When Georgia said her name my phone started ringng, unlucky for me my phone was face up and her name came across my screen. ( Great timing lucy, Great timing ) At this moment i realised that i was busted and i also couldn't awnser the phone with these two in the room so i declined and just sighed.
G - what is actually happening between you two then
k - Nothing at all, she hurt me when she left and didnt tell me, then we havent talked since then. Until she text me this morning and now i'm confused.
After this we left on our way to base camp and then we picked up millie and rachel on the way. By this point we only had about 30 minutes left. when we arrived at base camp even thought i knew that the international players weren't going to be here for another few hours i still looked around for her.
G - Who you looking for kie ?
I turned around and gave her a stern look and then after that she didn't make any more commentts after that, which i was thankful for.
A few hours later
Lucy's POV
I had arrived 30 minutes ago and me and kiera still haven't talked.
Coach - Hello everybody welcome to the Euro 22 base camp. Now we are going to be announcing roomates when you know your roomate please head up to your room to get settled in and drop off your bags. Then we are not going to be doing any training today or tomorrow so that you guys can get to know your base for the next few months. so the roomates are going to be
Millie and Rachel
Ella and Alessia
Beth M, Ellen and JIll
Leah and Georgia
Jordan and Bethany E
Kiera's POV
As soon as i heard that Leah and Georgia were in a room together i knew that i was with lucy. I mean it wasn't unusual before she moved away as we were always roomates but we haven't seen each other since she moved and now it would be awkward. Now i will defininetly have to have this convosation that i have been puting off for 6 months.
Coach - Dinner is at 7 guys don't be late.
Lucy's POV
It's weird that when I was at city me and kiera used to share a room in city and it would all be fine but now she looks really tense and annoyed. I guess it really hurt her. I hate the fact that she feels this way because of me i wish that it could all just go back to how it used to be. How could i mess us so badly.
Kiera got up to go to the bathroom and i could here that she was washing her hands when her phone started ringing.
Lu - Kie your phone is ringing
k - Coming
Kiera awnsered the phone and went and sat on her bed. when she finaly put the phone down she looked like she had seen a ghost and i didn't know what to do
Kiera's POV
I've just been transfered to barca. I Knew this was going to happen but i didnt know just how quickly. And if that wasn't enought i was the most expencive femal football player. How do i tell lucy? I don't know what to do but in this moment i knew that the one thing that i didn't need to do was cry. But in the moment i couldn't stop myself.
Lucy came over and started hugging me but i just let her
k - I've just been transfered
Lu - That's Great kie. two questions though why are you upset ? and where to ?
k - I'm not upset i'm just shocked
I went quiet and i knew that lucy was still waiting
Lu - and the second one
K - Barca as the most expencive female footballer
When i said this i could tell that lucy was in shock. I'm sure that this is definatly what she was expecting when she sent me that text this morning on many levels.
K - One thing though luce please don't tell anyone
A few hours later
It was a few hours since i had found out that i had been transfered to barca and has cried in front of lucy. By this point we had eaten dinner and were just st in the relaxation room . Most of the girls were sat at the front of the room watching a horror movie. I wasn't a fan of horror movies so i was just sat at the back with my headphones on but i could start to feel myself getting panicked so i got up and left
Lucy's POV
We were about 20 miniutes into this film and it was pretty boring to be honest. I was falling asleep until i saw kie walk out of the room looking slightly upset. I excused myself to the toilet , when i went out of the room i saw kie and just called her name she turned around for just a seconf i i could see that she was crying so i went after her.
Kiera's POV
When i got back to the room i just went into the bathroom and shut the door a few seconds later i hear the main door open but then the bathroom door doesn't open i hear lucy then just get onto her bed and i'm glad that she didn't try to come in.
When i walked out of the bathroom Lucy just opens her arms signiling for me to go over to her and giver her a hug, that is all i needed right now. I just went over to lucy and layed next to her and cried.
Lucy's POV
when I realised what had just happened i just smiled to myself. Kiera had fallen asleep in my arms and then i fell asleep as well, then when i woke up she was still layed ther on my shoulder.
The problem is that this thought popped in my head in the middle of breakfast.
B - Earth to lucy
Ji - Hey is kie ok ?
As soon as her name was mentioned i was firmly back in the room and the other girlas seemed to notice this too.
( 1383 words )

woso couples
Romancearsenal and lionesses stories. The couples will be Beth and Viv Lucy and Kiera Jordan and leah Lotte and lessi caitlin and lia sam and kristie and whoever else comes up